Breeding Question.

Share it please PJ so I can put in the "book"; I need to steal all the stories I can !

Charlie would be known locally as quite the character and a fella who achieved a lot but made sure that he enjoyed life to the max.

He married well and the inherited family had some decent pockets to allow for an interest to become a hobby

Charlie as history knows well was a fine hurler, one of kilkenny's finest but a certain Mr Cody did not entertain his cigarette and pints lifestyle

He drives the local oil truck and keeps a few mares

Howyabud didnt meet his minimum at the sales x 2 and then won at Leopardstown over Christmas - remains unsold (i think)

Charlie as he always seems to do has again landed on his feet and has a 2 year old (3 now) Walk in the park at home

He has him by accident as they went down to be covered by Getaway, who was ill on the day and got WITP as a brucey bonus for his troubles
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