Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

that the British abroad are renowned for their island mentality and pushing their 'culture' upon the local communities

Odd then that London has absorbed other cultures far better than Paris Rome Madrid and Berlin then isnt it? A whole lot better i would say (as have many american cities too i might add...just to piss off the Guardian)
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Good to see the forum in splendid arm-wrestling form. A few more days, and there'll be loads of blokey bonding over 'Happy Christmas' wishes. You males really are great craic!
Must admit Grass is neatly pulling apart some prejudices very effectively
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Odd then that London has absorbed other cultures far better than Paris Rome Madrid and Berlin then isnt it? A whole lot better i would say (as have many american cities too i might add...just to piss off the Guardian)

Oh dear. I'm not sure how to break this to you. London is english speaking, as are the American ones. I would have thought you would have noticed this rather big co-incidence. Apparently not...
Gareth - it's not a point of view - it's a fact, whether you care for it or not! :D

Hamm, you'll be just another despised whinging foreigner, then.

I'm not sure why you are having such a go like this.

There are many things I could say back but can't you just argue the point and leave digs out of this.
Originally Posted by clivex
Odd then that London has absorbed other cultures far better than Paris Rome Madrid and Berlin then isnt it? A whole lot better i would say (as have many american cities too i might add...just to piss off the Guardian)
Oh dear. I'm not sure how to break this to you. London is english speaking, as are the American ones. I would have thought you would have noticed this rather big co-incidence. Apparently not...

Nothing to do with it at all. But given that you seem to want to paint the british as nothing more than cultural imperialists (true left wing bigoted Guardian crap) who "force" their culture on every other country (how???) it seems rather strange that the most multicultural city (bar NY maybe) in the world has developed in this environment doesnt it?
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To be honest, I didn't actually have you down as "Human". :lol:

I think this is hackneyed nonsense myself.

What "negotiating table" is this? What is there to negotiate? Which of the 26 countries in the Union is not out to look after their own best interests.

Half the 26 are happy to have their fiscal policy determined by Germany (via the ECB), because they want the security and prospects that go with the model. And the other half have to because they are skint.

One half gives fiscal sovereignty away willingly and the other half under duress. All Cameron has done is exercise his right not to have the UK pay for the excess of countries aligned to a currency which the UK has had no part of. I don't particularly agree with what he has done, as I'd rather have found a way, but if there was no other way, then I think it's perfectly fair of him to play his veto.

Ever-growing? Says who? You?

All it says is that the two papers in question print bollocks. But that's hardly news. It doesn't say anything more.

I ask again, what are the practical effects? This esoteric bollocks I can figure out for myself, thanks.

Same point as to Krizon. Grow up.

If you are asking what negotiating table try every meeting, call, whatever the other 26 states will have that Britain won't be party to.

Do you not follow politics? Are you honestly denying the Tory right is increasing?

Practical effects? You sound like someone who breaks the budget into how much more will my cigarettes cost me.
I am not losing any plot. I have little interest coming on here to genuinely debate a point only to have some old woman resorting to name calling and the same from a Scottish weed head. Ciao for now, have a good evening.
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I'm having a go because all you've done is insult the country I live in, Hamm - I didn't know you weren't British, but if you were, you should bugger off as you plan to; if you're not, then don't stay here and bite the hand that feeds you. You'd be the first to disapprove of foreigners in whatever 'your' country is if all they did was put it down. You then went on to say it's no longer a world power, which is total bosh, of course.

I'm having a go at you because you're like so many people who are only too glad to whinge on and on about everything you believe to be wrong with the UK, while continuing to live and work in it, which is two-faced hypocrisy. No-one is forcing you to live outside your country, are they? So, if this is one is so crap, presumably yours is brilliant, so why linger where you hate it and not return to where the sun presumably shines all day, and everyone is blissfully happy? Staying some place you clearly despise is bizarre behaviour, which is one thing - making your usual inaccurate assertions about it is another, and requires correction.

You can say back whatever you want - fortunately, I am living in a democracy where there is relative freedom of expression.

You come up with wildly unsubstantiated critical comments all the time about people, events, and issues - I've argued the point by rebutting your nonsense with facts, by the way - or did you fail to spot that?
For Christs Sake? Here is the thing - if i turn a genuine discussion into some personal name calling, there is holy war. Someone else does it for no reason other than they are unable to make their point in any other way, and it is perfectly acceptable. YOU are the one who seems to be losing the plot based on your expletive ridden posts after 8pm for the past few weeks.
I'm having a go because all you've done is insult the country I live in, Hamm - I didn't know you weren't British, but if you were, you should bugger off as you plan to; if you're not, then don't stay here and bite the hand that feeds you. You'd be the first to disapprove of foreigners in whatever 'your' country is if all they did was put it down. You then went on to say it's no longer a world power, which is total bosh, of course.

I'm having a go at you because you're like so many people who are only too glad to whinge on and on about everything you believe to be wrong with the UK, while continuing to live and work in it, which is two-faced hypocrisy. No-one is forcing you to live outside your country, are they? So, if this is one is so crap, presumably yours is brilliant, so why linger where you hate it and not return to where the sun presumably shines all day, and everyone is blissfully happy? Staying some place you clearly despise is bizarre behaviour, which is one thing - making your usual inaccurate assertions about it is another, and requires correction.

You can say back whatever you want - fortunately, I am living in a democracy where there is relative freedom of expression.

You come up with wildly unsubstantiated critical comments all the time about people, events, and issues - I've argued the point by rebutting your nonsense with facts, by the way - or did you fail to spot that?

Eh, what exactly do you know about me?! You seem like you've gone crazy, read 2/3 sentences and placed me in some box or another. Even on this forum I've regularly posted on how I prefer the UK to Ireland, or rather did until the last year or so. I think there are many good things and many great people, but does that mean I can't point out anything negative about the country just because I live there? Is Britain immune from criticism?
:lol::lol::lol: Say, bub, would it help if I was 22 and a man, or is that still too old for ya?

Hamm, you don't need anyone to take you down. You do that to yourself every time you're shown up for blithering cobblers. Back to The Beano, sweetie - that's about your mark, but if you're still struggling, could I recommend the Noddy books?
Hamm-and-egg-on-your-face: look, get back to discussing facts, upon which a sentient criticism can be formed. So long as you're just going to take inaccurate swipes (at the UK or anywhere else), nobody's really interested in just another ranter. Speaker's Corner awaits your soapbox.
Seriously, what has my age or gender got to do with anything discussed on here? Should I refrain from inputting on Richard Hannon's 2 y.o.'s because I'm an OAP? What about 'old men' - should they also be disallowed to disagree? Wait until you're an old man, Hamm, if your blood pressure doesn't stop you first. And while you may reach being an old man, you've shown us all you certainly are no gent.

Gareth: don't be a lazy sod! The sources are pretty much any broadsheet printed in the last couple of months, or government statistics from, but mine are from The Week, published - believe it or not - weekly, a digest of the most topical of news subjects.
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Gareth: don't be a lazy sod! The sources are pretty much any broadsheet printed in the last couple of months, or government statistics from, but mine are from The Week, published - believe it or not - weekly, a digest of the most topical of news subjects.

Where will I find the government statistics that show that there are tens and thousands of people who have come to Britain in the recent past with no intention of working?
Seriously, what has my age or gender got to do with anything discussed on here? Should I refrain from inputting on Richard Hannon's 2 y.o.'s because I'm an OAP? What about 'old men' - should they also be disallowed to disagree? Wait until you're an old man, Hamm, if your blood pressure doesn't stop you first. And while you may reach being an old man, you've shown us all you certainly are no gent.

Ehh, I would re-read this thread - the person who first lost their manners was yourself, and you have compounded it by being unable to back up your bigotry with some evidence as per Gareth's question. All I did was express an opinion, only for you to immediately resort to name calling. That's fine, do as you please but don't then try to play the injured party.
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My client that was robbed by two albanians (or taht part of world) in her office yesterday would not be looking for any statistics. With so much immigration in recent times, of course there are going to be some that have abused the system and quite obviously there are not going to be any "government stats"

Well the people they robbed were owners of a car valeting company which is successful and turns over £2m a year. They are Ghanaians and given that i supposedly assume all albanians are theives i must also assume that all ghanians are hard working owners of car valeting companies
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I'm being sarcastic. My point is how can anyone come out with such a bigoted comment as Krizon did..
Excuse me, I'm watching Masterchef, where some young people are doing a very fine job, so I'm not 100% fascinated by your puerile ramblings, Hamm - for the record, I'm not injured at all, just disappointed that you had to scrape the bottom of your barrel to come up with gender and age to bolster your grievance, rather than address earlier questions sensibly and factually. But that's typically you - as soon as someone challenges your statements, you dive to the bottom to trawl for something illogical to throw people off your scent. Old and female, whatever, I'm not that easily fooled by your attempts at trickery. I still say you're a hypocrite if you're making your living in the UK and yet spouting so much bile about it. Why don't you see how you get on in, oh, let's see - Burma?

Gareth - the tens of thousands who've come in are not all without any intention of working. Do try to read for sense before you quote out of context. Out of the tens of thousands who arrive in the UK every year, the majority are indeed here to work or to study, but those who have no intention of doing either are families of people already in Britain who have no intention of working because they are too old (grandparents of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian established families in particular), who have no intention of working because they are here to establish businesses for others to work in (Russians, Chinese, Indian), who are here because they are rich enough to live off their assets without needing to work (Gulf Arabs, dissident Iranians, Afghans - don't delude yourself that they're all poor as church mice; again the Russians' families, etc.), asylum seekers who don't plan to work, per se, but to live here courtesy of existing networks of support and will be planning to return to their homes when it is safe for them to do so (Zimbabwe, South Africa, Somalia, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Iran, Uganda, to name but a handful of those fleeing brutality and repression). You can look up immigration listings for yourself to see the breakdown by demographics. I'm not that interested in providing for you what you can find for yourself if you're really interested, as against just trying to play up. As a young man, I can't believe you're not in some sort of touch with current affairs and haven't figured all this out for yourself. If an old woman like me can, surely someone with your thrusting young intelligence is capable of doing so?

I'm off now - I want to see if Ash's fish dish impresses the Roca Brothers or fails - and then it's Death in Paradise, so play among yourselves for now.