brixton animals


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
An opposition to capital punishment gets tested at times but those animals that crippled that young girl deserve the very worst that comes to them. I hope they never see light of day again

Also suspect they will bé nicely targeted in jail too so i will offer my congratulations to the first inmates who kick the **** out of them
An opposition to capital punishment gets tested at times but those animals that crippled that young girl deserve the very worst that comes to them. I hope they never see light of day again

Also suspect they will bé nicely targeted in jail too so i will offer my congratulations to the first inmates who kick the **** out of them

100% agree
Btb. Is there a problem with being disgusted with the culture and violence that leads toa 5 year old girl being paralysed ? Majority of people would suggest that these scum are swiftlky despatched with a bullet to the head. I dont but difficulty understanbding that -s there ?
Is there a problem with being disgusted with the culture and violence that leads toa 5 year old girl being paralysed ?

No, but isn't your last sentence
Also suspect they will bé nicely targeted in jail too so i will offer my congratulations to the first inmates who kick the **** out of them
also part of a culture of violence?
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there isn't really a punishment extreme enough in place at the moment for gang members..i think the law needs adjusting for the type of people who ride round firing guns at people

Cameron said he was going to do something about gangs last year after the lowlife morons that we have to share society with took over the streets for a few days ..some chance of that happening

i would think that kitting all gang members out in some kind of uniform and dropping them into a nice foreign land where those they meet like violence as much as they would do us all a favour..they would love it as they would meet others with guns and be able to play nice..and we could all get on with our lives in peace. We could then bring some of our brave servicemen home knowing that their replacements would do us proud

no one could call it its giving them what they like..violence

i suppose this will be too much to ask..oooh its too harsh..
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The things people are doing are terrible. I honestly blame the last government for this. when i was a boy growing up the early nineties in London, if someone was murdered i felt that people were shocked.

Now it only takes toddlers getting caught up in gun fights to shock people.

What was it about Labour that made people feel it was o.k to go out and do whatever they liked?

Society was supposed to be more affluent under this lot before the recession, I guess for some people who couldn't attian it through the right means, the wrong means became justifiable. 'Lifes fair etc', 'we're all born equal and deserve the same' etc.

Thats the biggest myth of all, and was peddled to the mothers (often on their own struggling to make ends meat for their kids). This made a lot of people beleive things would come without the work needed to make them come. I hold my hand up I was the same growing up, had the same type of attitude.

These ideologies have always been folly, as most genuine people who have grafted to get a better life on the left of the political spectrum know. It tends to be the champaign socialists who peddle the wrong information.

They would have been better telling all of society, (including people living in Brixton or anywhere else) - "listen, life is not fair, in fact we are in one of the most unfair socieities around in terms of social justice'.

That way, people who came from less than well off backgrounds could of actually aspired to suceeding properly in their youth, instead of 'expecting' fairness to transpire in their lives both economically and socially.

The current lot aren't much better to be fair. The wisenss of Ken Clarke's policies, especially on drugs have been washed away under a torrent of abuse from the usual suspects.

No doubt this incident was just another rare occurance according to old Boris. I mean, the Olympics are coming up and we do have tourists to talk to...
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Well the fact is if you tell that to working class kids from Brixton or wherever else they might try to attian more in terms of achievement. Saying we're in a lovely fair soceity as the last government did is what has put some people in webs of illusion. That is my point.
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i think a lot of people aren't generally shocked by shootings as an assumption is possibly made that its one gang shooting at another gang..basically culling themselves in search of "owning" their patch

as it looks like this in this case..they were shooting at another gang member?

we aren't going to stop this happening without removing these people from society...because its so deeply entrenched in their mentality

putting them in prison is no hardship..its like a youth club where they mix with each other and develop even more tendencies
I'll guess it was pretty unfair from 1926 into the 30's in this country as well though..when people had REAL hardship..nobody really knows what hardship is in this country nowadays do they?

apparent hardship looks a convenient excuse to me for some people to do just what the f00k they like
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No the death penalty is not right, sorry guys.

An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and all that.

To me we've had enough Christian fanaticals running this country to last us til' the next millenium. We don't need anymore religious doctrine in modern policies.
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Marble. You keep telling people its all unfair and they will believe it. London is just about the most diverse city in the world with more opportunities than anywhere (and bucking the recessionary trend well at present time).

It would be easy to name countless societies where "justice" is at nothing like as available.

There is no excuse whatsover for gangsta crap
No the death penalty is not right, sorry guys.

An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and all that.

To me we've had enough Christian fanaticals running this country to last us til' the next millenium. We don't need anymore religious doctrine in modern policies.

not suggesting the death penalty Marble..the lamp thing was from another thread..was messin

although now you mention it....;)
The reality I think is that for everyone of them killers there are 100 more young men in this country probally doing drugs, a couple of years from doing something similiar. Now you can either mark them down for the death penalty of take a proper look at where attutudes and resultant policy went wrong. And not just policy from the actual government, but where were the opposition, what were they arguing for in those 13 years.

Duncan Smith and his institute for social policy or whatever, was that sufficient?
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The reality I think is that for everyone of them killers there are 100 more young men in this country probally doing drugs, a couple of years from doing something similiar. Now you can either mark them down for the death penalty of take a proper look at where attutudes and resultant policy went wrong. And not just policy from the actual government, but where were the opposition, what were they arguing for in those 13 years.

Duncan Smith and his institute for social policy or whatever, was that sufficient?

no one is suggesting the death penalty Marble

as for blaming a political party..they are all the same a degree they always have been..Labour now are worse than the least you know the tories will shaft you.
I agree with you for the most part, but it's a bit of a generalisation.

I don't underestimate the power that a government can have in making change happen in realtion to what we're talking about.

It's one thing saying they're all the same, it's another not to hold them to account.

My first post on this thread was about a general feeling I got having anaylised them for their time in power.

I hope I didn't generalise too much, but I'd be here for pages and pages if I had to proof all of my views.

Basically it comes down to giving youngsters in inner city places like London the right type of grounding. Government on their own can't do that but they can certianly set the framework for it to happen. Sadly I feel for 13 years, the British government made no progress in these areas whatsover. Furthermore, the messages they gave out, as I tryed to highlight, made the situation worse.

You can link all ofr this to todays report on the riots, if we're allowed to retract from this horrific incident for a second.