
Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
Has anyone had any dealings with BT recently?


We moved house on August 20th. I rang BT on the 21st. to have the number moved from my old address to the new address. After the interminable wait to get through (if they are so busy, and they always are, why don't they employ more operators, they after all a telecommunications business, you'd think they would be able to answer the phones!!!!), I was informed that I would have to wait 10 working days, as the previous owner at the new address hadn't stopped his account at the address (he strenously denies this and I believe him, as BT gave the same lies to the new occupier at my old address and I know that I stopped my account, something that BT eventually agreed to).

Yesterday, which is roughly 10 working days after the original call, Mrs. Phillips (I have lost the will to do battle) rang BT and after another interminable wait, was told that they couldn't understand why the line hadn't been activated and said ( I hesitate to use the word promised) that an engineer would ring back.

Several hours later and no call back, Mrs. Phillips tries again, after another interminable wait she is cut off, she redials and after a 40 minute wait (she is using a mobile because we haven't got a land-line and no calls are free on a mobile) gets through to a gentleman in Mumbai????. Not surprisingly, she has lost it by now and she lets rip..............the gentleman assures us that we will be connected at midnight; we weren't.

Mrs. Phillips rang again this morning, this time using a neighbours land-line and after another interminable wait got through to a 'lady' who asked her to hold, 35 minutes later, Mrs. Phillips lost the will to live and hung up.

BT is a BLOODY DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, this is a much editied version of what has actually gone on, the full story would have been even more boring.

Apologies for this rant but something should be done about this excuse for a company.
.................but you are still dependent on the BT landline provision.

I was with Talk Talk but because I wanted to retain my number I had to go back to BT to do that.
I might be wrongf, but I thought the rules governing retaining your number had changed and that if you insisted you keep the number, they had to let it go with you.
It took BT four months to resolve my daughter's broadband problems.

Their customer service is the pits - probably the worst I've ever come across.

Someone helpful on here got me a number which was the catalyst for success. If I can find it I'll send it to you via PM.
They nearly gave me a nervous breakdown too! Moved into new place and wanted landline connected, nothing happened. Rang them again and again (from mobile) and they insisted it was working and had me unscrewing sockets from the wall and buying new phones. I finally lost the plot and was taking down names and times and saying I was going to ring Watchdog and so on and they promised to send someone out between 8.30 - 12 on a particular morning. No one turned up. I lost my temper again on the phone (I am normally very laid back!). Promised to send someone the next afternoon - no one turned up. Then, just when I had given up hope a BT engineer randomly phoned me one morning and said he was waiting by the house - meanwhile I am on a horse ten miles away.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Anyway, it is all sorted now and, touchwood, no problems but as far as BT are concerned the power lies with them sadly.
I have just filled in a complaint form on the BT website and received the expected automated response but I thought it was worth posting this paragraph from that response :

"We are currently experiencing a very high volume of emails following the recent poor weather, and we apologise in advance for any delay this may cause. We will aim to reply to you as quickly as possible. If you need to contact us again on this matter, please email us quoting the above reference number."

It made me laugh out loud!!!!! :rant: shrug:: :rant: :dork: cry :nuts: :(
Im moving into my new house soon and im dreading the same hassle i had last time, with trying to get the internet working. Phone doesn't really bother me as i have my mobile. Alhough i'd ordered my BT hub 3 weeks before moving it was still another 2 weeks after moving in :rant:

The woman (British) i spoke to was very unhelpful aswell, saying she couldn't help it if they were out of stock. I'm pretty laid back but this tipped me over the edge, her rudeness and surely they hadn't been out of stock for 5 weeks!!! I even asked to be connected to dial-up while i waited for the hub but i was told i'd have to wait till the next month to be connected. I was driven up the wall!!! Then i got through to an indian call centre who were very helpful and promised to have it sorted out in the next few days, 2 days later the first hub turned up, 2 days after that the 2nd one did :laughing:
They charge far more than the rest into the bargain. I got twice the speed for £17 pm less with sky.
I have Telewest Colin in Somerset, no BT line just a telewest one. Broadband unlimited 8mb, and phone, perminant free 01 numbers for £17.49 a month.

They offer sky as well but prefer having that actually from Sky.
That's inbelievable, Colin. I don't know what else to suggest apart from give me the detals and let me at 'em. :rant:
We don't have cable in our area either, which limits our options.

I fancied a combo package but can't have one.

What does it take to get the likes of Telewest to instal cables in your area?
Thanks for the offer, Kathy, but I am already receiving help from one forum member and we now have involved our Welsh Assembly Member.

She had the same problem as us when she phoned, being switched from department to department, but she was only on the phone for an hour!!!!

At the moment we are waiting for a call on our mobile phone from a gentleman who is going to sort it out, first thing this morning!!!! :rolleyes:
I moved with my own phone number from BT to TalkTalk a while ago. I was recently thinking of getting Sky and switching everything - phone etc - to Sky as well, but would have had to go back to BT for the line! Luckily my landlord's son next door has installed wifi so I now don't need to do that - and I can stay online all day :clap:

I'll get Sky installed next month I think, then I'll be all set up for the NH season

BT don't seem to have learned a thing. I had a week long battle on the phone with them a few years ago when I was living and working in Norfolk during the week. They put my calls from that number all muddled up into the same bill as my Suffolk number, although I wanted them separate to claim one bill against tax. It took forever to sort it out and I almost had a heart attack doing it, I got so angry :ph34r: I finally had to get the area manager on the other end of the line. That usually works - demand to speak to the guy at the top! And threaten them with Ofcom or Bogoff or whatever it's called.
Now you need to go down the compensation route...

Your experience shows the extent to which BT has gone down the tubes in the last few years.

We moved into our new house in 1996. When the engineers failed to show up to instal our phone, I walked to a nearby hotel to phone BT to complain and told them if I wasn't connected by the next morning I was going to look elsewhere for a supplier.

They were there within the hour, full of apologies.
Already on my way, DO.

So far they have refunded £11 for a service they had already charged but not given and have offered us £20 credit as a goodwill gesture.

This morning I have contacted Virgin Mobile for an itemised break-down of our calls over the last 5-6 weeks.
When we moved to Cheltenham last Christmas we booked up BT well in advance for Dec 29th and they showed up ,albeit very late in the day, and we thought all was well. Yeah right.

Since then we have had up to thirty calls a day at all times of the day and night, which when answered all that can be heard is a whistling or a beep. I had my suspicions that a fax machine somewhere was trying to send us a fax, as although we have one, I had not yet set it up.

Last week Mrs DG was home from work a bit poorly and the phone rang. She answered it and found herself talking to an "Oriental".That person was trying to fax GCHQ here in Cheltenham. and had apparently found the number on GCHQ's website. On Googling our telephone number, a multitude of websites worldwide appeared all with our telephone number listed as a fax machine at GCHQ.

It transpired BT had re-issued this number to yours truly.

Thanks guys :ph34r:

Now if I had connected my fax would I have been receiving faxes with classified information on them ? Probably not but it makes you wonder.