

I now have an online account with BT.

Checked this morning to find out when my next bill is due.........their answer?........ February 2008.

Sent them an email asking them to explain that, and I got a standard e-mail reply :

"This is an automatic response, please don't reply to this address
Thanks for contacting us.

We have received higher volumes of emails than we normally do, which means it's taking us longer than we want to reply to you. We're sorry about this and will provide a full response as soon as we can."

.................and this is their standard reply!!!!!!

I can't find the words to describe this absolute shower of shite
BT may claim to be a reputable company but I put them on just about the same level as the crooked rip-off "builders" who go around conning elderly people out of thousands of pounds for work that was never necessary.

They treat their customers with total contempt. I had the misfortune recently to have to call out an engineer to replace a section of cable on the outside wall of my house. It was a very simple job for which I have apparently been charged £282.70 + VAT, total £332.17 (almost twice what I was quoted). I say apparently because this charge has just appeared on my quarterly bill as a "one-off charge" without any further explanation or itemisation. It took me nearly an hour today to get through to a human being on their customer "service" number and I've now been promised an itemised bill. What sort of company would invoice a customer for that amount without attempting to explain the charge?

I'm obviously being ripped off big time. But I suspect that BT calculate, cynically but correctly, that this sort of thing will often go unchallenged because people simply cannot face the hassle of trying to deal with this bunch of faceless shysters.
Last week Mrs DG was home from work a bit poorly and the phone rang. She answered it and found herself talking to an "Oriental".That person was trying to fax GCHQ here in Cheltenham. and had apparently found the number on GCHQ's website. On Googling our telephone number, a multitude of websites worldwide appeared all with our telephone number listed as a fax machine at GCHQ.

It transpired BT had re-issued this number to yours truly.

Thanks guys :ph34r:

Now if I had connected my fax would I have been receiving faxes with classified information on them ? Probably not but it makes you wonder.

Anyone wanna see some faxes to Sir David Pepper ?

Sir David Pepper is The Director at GCHQ.:eek: :eek:

You couldn't make it up.
A reply already, but not one that fills me with confidence.

Dear Mr. Phillips,

Thank you for your E-mail dated 15/09/08 about your online account.

Please accept my sincere apologies for the obvious inconvenience and annoyance this must have caused to you.

I would like to inform you that due to an system error some of our customers are facing problem with their accounts so we have appointed a separate team to deal with all the issues regarding this error. I request you to call them on the direct number which is 0800 0121 766.

If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me again via E-mail.

Thank you for contacting BT.

Yours sincerely,
Shweta Choudhary
eContact Customer Service
I recently had the misfortune to have dealings with this shower of incompetents. I found that writing to the following name and address was the only way in which I could coax anything even remotely like service from them.

Sir Michael Rake
BT Centre
81 Newgate St
I recently had the misfortune to have dealings with this shower of incompetents. I found that writing to the following name and address was the only way in which I could coax anything even remotely like service from them.

Sir Michael Rake
BT Centre
81 Newgate St

I wrote directly to the Chairman of BT (Sir Christopher somebody, and marked the envelope 'for the personal attention of...) and didn't even get an acknowledgment.
I wrote directly to the Chairman of BT (Sir Christopher somebody, and marked the envelope 'for the personal attention of...) and didn't even get an acknowledgment.

I actually cc'd Ben Verwaayen (CEO?) as well and the action mostly came from his end, although I did get a call from someone claiming to be from Rake's office asking if everything had been resolved. BV is no longer CEO I believe.

That said, most big companies have a department known as "Executive Office" or similar, which deal with complaints sent to Chief Exec's. You'll usually get better action from them than a standard complaints department.