Butternut Squash

That is just plain wrong.

You are supposed to chop it into chip like wedges and spray with a low cal lubricant so that you think you are eating a reasonable alternative to a potato with virtually no calories. Some sprinkle with paprika to make them even more flavourlicious.

They probably are nicer cooked in goose fat. It is still wrong.
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When I was young and in small pants, a goose chased me around the garden of holiday house we had rented out. I cried.
I'd rather eat Devil's Food Cake, personally.

Hell, we're all going to be a tiny black fritzed walnut (with caramel sauce) when the Sun dies, so who cares?
I love all squashes (including pumpkin - but not as a sweet pie). They just need a little salt, pepper, and butter, and yum-yum. (And I also love yum-yums... )

They're lovely chunked and roasted with red onions, red and yellow peppers, etc. In fact, probably my favourite way with those veggies. I love all veggies, too, bar turnip and swede, parsnips okay if roasted and buttered, then they're divine.
Just wondering - what are the absolute no-no's for eating? I cannot abide any soft white or yolk in eggs. I'll honestly throw up if I get a bit of that snot-like soft white, and I hate the pong of runny yolks (sulphur). Same goes for soft white fat - serve up any cooked meat with a lump of that hanging off, and... excuse me, I can't go on typing! But do love crackling and don't mind tiny white bits in salami, for example.

Other than that sort of squidgy, glutinous sensation, I can pretty much take on anything. Most unusual food? Fried caterpillars. Nutty, crispy, and delicious.
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Coconut or curry is a big no no for me - allergic to coconuts (but not other nuts weirdly!) and its something to do with the spices mixed in curries that does me - plus hte fact they use a lot of coconut!!

Not a fussy fussy eater - I know what I like and dont care if its boring. Love anything game - rabbit, veal, venison, quail, pheasant etc - thank god waitrose (employer!) does a brilliant range :)
Oh, and at a stonking big employee discount, I bet, Ballydoyle! An old friend used to shop exclusively at Waitrose - said their foodstuffs were superior to anyone else's for range and quality. Our Brighton branch is out of comfortable lugging distance from my flat, and as Sainsbugs has opened a small but fairly comprehensive branch nearby, that, Tesco and our local grocer get my business. But haven't seen any game at any of them - although Marks do lovely crabs and lobsters when I've wanted a real treat.
Im lucky in having a local fishmongers and we have fresh crab most saturdays (as well as fish frequently too). Crab is one of lifes real pleasures.

Waitrose is excellent for most lines. Lucky having one very close by

Prunes one of the few things i cannot abide. Also olives i have to avoid. They make me throw up for days. Sticky sweet chinese food can be horrible and pizza is most overrated food of the lot
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Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato & Chilli Soup

My own recipe and delicious:

All roughly chopped
2lb Butternut Squash
1lb Sweet Potatoes
1lb Onions
1 Scotch Bonnet Chili
1Litre Vegetable Stock
Chopped Corriander
Vegetable Oil

Put a drop of oil in a saucepan and gently sweat the chili until soft then remove from saucepan.

Add more oil and get the pan smoking hot.
Throw in the Squash, Sweet Potato & Onions continually stirring on fierce heat until golden brown.
Add hot Vegetable stock and cooked Chili bring to the boil.
Simmer for 20 minutes then liquidise (if soup is too thick - thin down with boiling water)
Serve in Soup Bowls and sprinkle with chopped corriander

Have a Sea Salt and Black Pepper Mill at table and allow peolpe to season to their own taste - Great with freshly baked bread.
All roughly chopped
2lb Butternut Squash
1lb Sweet Potatoes
1lb Onions
1 Scotch Bonnet Chili
1Litre Vegetable Stock
Chopped Corriander
Goose Fat

Put a dollop of goose fat in a saucepan and gently sweat the chili until soft then remove from saucepan.

Add more goose fat and get the pan smoking hot.
Throw in the Squash, Sweet Potato & Onions continually stirring on fierce heat until golden brown.
Add hot Vegetable stock and cooked Chili bring to the boil.
Simmer for 20 minutes then liquidise (if soup is too thick - thin down with boiling water)
Serve in Soup Bowls and sprinkle with chopped corriander

Have a Sea Salt and Black Pepper Mill at table and allow peolpe to season to their own taste - Great with freshly baked bread.
I was going to add to my list of foods i cant stand "sweet soups"

Carrot and coriander and so on.... Parsnip

Root veg is great on its own but strangely horrible in soups

But above sounds ok ..might try it (with ordinary potatos instead of sweet)
I can take or leave prunes, but I'm with you re olives, Clivex. Nasty! I'm looking at Bar's recipe and spying 'one Scotch Bonnet chili' - yeeee-owwww! Tiny but SO powerful! Do you de-seed it, Bar? Because its innards are what gives it a lot of its ability to clear your sinuses for the next ten years, I understand.

Root veg is disgusting in soups, bar carrot. Turnip, swede, parsnip - blecch. Carrot and coriander soup is vastly overrated as it's bland. Still think you can't beat chucking tomato at everything (including bad stand-ups).
I can take or leave prunes, but I'm with you re olives, Clivex. Nasty! I'm looking at Bar's recipe and spying 'one Scotch Bonnet chili' - yeeee-owwww! Tiny but SO powerful! Do you de-seed it, Bar? Because its innards are what gives it a lot of its ability to clear your sinuses for the next ten years, I understand.

Root veg is disgusting in soups, bar carrot. Turnip, swede, parsnip - blecch. Carrot and coriander soup is vastly overrated as it's bland. Still think you can't beat chucking tomato at everything (including bad stand-ups).

It is Swedish Chef's recipe. I just changed vegetable oil to goose fat.
So you did. So, did you de-seed the Scotch Bonnet chili, Bar, etc., etc.? Or are you going to tell me it's Chef's recipe but you omitted the chili as well as swapping the oil for fat? I think we should be told...
So you did. So, did you de-seed the Scotch Bonnet chili, Bar, etc., etc.? Or are you going to tell me it's Chef's recipe but you omitted the chili as well as swapping the oil for fat? I think we should be told...

de-seeding the chili is not as important as making sure you cooked it for a fair time on a gentle heat - this way it doesn't burn your mouth but kicks in half way to the stomach - and as for goose fat btb, you've just upset the whole vegetarian population with whom my recipe was very popular :ninja: