Byron Burgers boycott

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yes. Like a muttering paraffin. When he enters a thread you look the other way, avoid eye contact and hope he doesn't sit next to you

You're like a playground bully, only less intelligent. You even have a retarded hanger on chuckling at your inane drivel.

Takeaway pizzas, curries, taxis all night for xx I think. Maybe some escorts too, I imagine your wife would like that.

Standing up is the only way to deal with bullies.
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Line crossed. My profile deleted tonight. No use for this now. Messages deleted too

If my profile is not deleted by end of play today I will have to find out what recourse there us against the forum for unsolicited posting of addresses

This is serious .

??? So Simmo has Clivex's address, serious indeed.

There used to be a time when people would play the points and issues at hand and not the person, treating forum interactions like a blank canvas but there's obviously people who think they 'know' each other from their forum interactions now, so judge the merit of peoples posts based on 'who's saying it', rather than what's actually said.

Glad its got feck all to do with me at least.
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Marble . Generally I've had enough anyway but coincidentally I was at a presentation by a top London Bridge firm of lawyers about data protection this morning. Clearly this specific issue wasn't covered but it certainly co9mes under its fairly strict scope.

I'm due some pro bono off them and frankly I'll kick it off if this isnt sorted very quckly indwed. A joke and insults are one thing but this needs nailing.
All the best to you, I can't hate you, because as I alluded to in my earlier post, ultimately, I don't actually know you in real life. Take care.
Hope you enjoyed the story I put online for you!
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You're like a playground bully, only less intelligent. You even have a retarded hanger on chuckling at your inane drivel.

Takeaway pizzas, curries, taxis all night for xx I think. Maybe some escorts too, I imagine your wife would like that.

Standing up is the only way to deal with bullies.

You absolute Bellend
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No... paraffin lamp..

think it through

But enough attention on that for now.

Ah yes, would you adam and eve it, rhyming slang me old china

Merchant or Eartha and I'd have twigged straight away

Tramp presumably.

Didn't think cockneys were allowed to set foot in Twickers :D
Line crossed. My profile deleted tonight. No use for this now. Messages deleted too

If my profile is not deleted by end of play today I will have to find out what recourse there us against the forum for unsolicited posting of addresses

This is serious .

They don't like it up them, those fuzzy wuzzies. You know perfectly well what you and your chattering monkey were attempting to do, so **** you. I've told you before, bring it to me and I will bring it right back at you any way I can.

Come to think of it, it's a bit like that time you were going on at a member who had confessed to having had suicidal feelings telling them to do themselves in.

Couldn't happen to a nicer ****.
When is moderation going to step in on this verbally abusive foreplay in both directions?

Gone beyond people expressing themselves.
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Marble . Generally I've had enough anyway but coincidentally I was at a presentation by a top London Bridge firm of lawyers about data protection this morning. Clearly this specific issue wasn't covered but it certainly co9mes under its fairly strict scope.

I'm due some pro bono off them and frankly I'll kick it off if this isnt sorted very quckly indwed. A joke and insults are one thing but this needs nailing.

Yet you were so offended and upset by it being posted you forgot to either
email me
private message me
click the report button that is under every single post?
But expect it sorted very quickly?

As you have implied you are taking legal action, I've no choice but to ban your account whilst I await your counsel's correspondence. This can be sent to my email address.

Your profile will not be deleted as it may contain evidence that you may require at a later date.
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thanks Warbler

Harry, didn't see your reports and none are in the mods forum which is where they get posted on top of being emailed to me.
Just to be clear, the last reported post was made on 18th September 2015 10:30 AM (and wasn't by anyone who has posted in this thread)
Simmo hasn't been banned, Clive has for reasons mentioned above.

I very rarely come into chit chat.
I only saw this because of the thread posted by Marble, which prompted me to have a look and see what the complaint was.
It has been said numerous time, REPORT a post if there is something wrong with it, that way i see it, usually within minutes, certainly within 12 hours max. I might not reply to the report, that doesn't mean nothing has been done.
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Simmo, I didn't see it myself, but I fear you have committed a cardinal sin, if you have posted Members private/personal details on here, without permission.

It crosses a line, is totally unnecessary, and reflects very poorly on you, imo. You have badly let yourself down here, if the accusation is true.
The unsolicited posting of someones personal details by a third party on to a public forum is very poor form but in Clivex's case they are not 'private' as they are there for all to see on his website/blog

This ensemble cast of loquacious rhinos, winos and lunatics will be the poorer for Clivex's grand departure but it's what he wanted...apparently
Fair comment, Drone, but you would need to know the linkage between Clive; the thrusting, capitalist, credit-advising, scum-bag....and Clivex; the frothing, right-wing, forum slaver.

Maybe it's not so hard to figure it out for those that might want to know, but I reckon it's bad form parading the details, no matter what the circumstances. As you say, the forum will be poorer again in his absence, especially coming so soon after Icebreaker. You have to concede that simmo's "the Fu*ck-You is mightier than the sword" approach, is incredibly efficient! :lol:

I go 4/7 our hero is posting again before the Showcase meeting, and only 11/8 there is a public love-in with Simmo, by the time of the Open meeting. :ninja:

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Col, you`ll be waiting a long, long time before receiving any corres from the, err, injured party`s counsel. As Drone has pointed out, the injured party himself has put his details on the "interweb" for all to see. Can`t condone what simmo did but the injured party`s reaction was, as usual, laughable.
People are so sensitive these days.

What kind of world do we live in, where you can't accuse someone's Mum of shagging a ghost, or threaten to boot their door down and push them through a bacon-slicer, without them getting upset?

It's political correctness gone mad.
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Well, I appreciate that it was a step further than most are comfortable with and the forum rules permit, but imo, it needed done. As previously said, he's a bully and the only thing to do with bullies is to stand up to them. I agree that the forum will be poorer for his going, although hopefully it will permit more rational posters to debate points without fear of personal abuse.

If it makes everyone feel better, I'll agree to include the words "smelly student leftie" and "******* clueless" in every third post, so we don't feel he's been forgotten.
I`m amazed his bullying and the level of his personal abuse (not to mention his infamous threat of physical violence to one member) has been so easily tolerated for so long.
Clivex wasn't a bully, simmo - he just liked to give it out.

He gives out to give out to him (collecting Harry along the way, usually).......this goes on for a page, and then everyone eventually moves on. Clive has been in countless internet barneys, and probably a thousand more since I started typing this, and his MO is well-established, and makes for invigorating debate with a simpleton. On my reading, the situation didn't warrant your level of response; not least because you were well ahead on points anyway, after the "suck my **** - you know you want to" entry. :lol:

Dan, to be fair, the threat of physical violence was only raised, when those rumours about his Mum shagging that ghost were rattling around. :lol:
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