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Calling EC1

EC-I think you have got this badly wrong -this is the internet and there is no shortage of prize wankers out there.You are a quality poster with a proven track record -don't leave the windup merchants and trolls get to you.
EC1, the response from other members in support of you shows that you have great value to the forum, not sure what else you expected from your input on here?

When a good poster uses a forum, he/she should expect to be quite influential, - you're influential, they should expect to have a strong following - you have a strong following, they contribute with good threads, - you contribute to good threads, what more did you want in return for your posts?

That's the thing with forums, you could spend all day writing some of the most hard hitting stuff but at the end of the day it has no value, yes it's nice to talk with others in similar interests and makes a good place to come home to at the evenings to have a little chit-chat instead of feeding the dog/wife.
That's not the point is it Col? As I said in my post Neigh died because of this. Everyone was sick and tired of one character and gave up. This isn't about EC1, this is about someone who is plain annoying, takes over every thread, and makes plenty of us think that something thats enjoyable just isn't worth it.

What about his multiple characters? Is that fair game for all of us as well? Shall we all start doing the same thing? What about the threads he takes over by talking to himself using two of his characters?

You talk about Phil Waters. I stopped posting because of him. I got sick and tired of every thread being taken over by crap. And in reality it's only recently I've started making any real contribution again. You defended him, and after an inordinate amount of time, and a huge loss of great contributors, finally, way too late, you did the right thing. I didn't start posting again because I realised back then you just don't give a ****.

You're right, I'll shut up its your forum and you can do what the you like with it irrespective of the majority being sick and tired of this. We all have choices don't we? And it won't be too much longer before we make them.
You're right, I'll shut up its your forum and you can do what the you like with it irrespective of the majority being sick and tired of this. We all have choices don't we? And it won't be too much longer before we make them.

That is not the tone or message that I took from Colin's post. No one was asked to shut up.

If no one has made a complaint to him and he hasn't seen the post, what can he realistically do?

And the real story here, drama has been created out of very little. What every troll desires.
i'd like to thank people who posted decent messages on this thread..it shows that some people do actually value input to a forum..as i myself also do


the tone and content of your post in general tells me you don't basically give a toss who posts...it tells me you don't value anyone who posts...it tells me you don't really deserve decent members posting stuff they may spend a fair bit of time and effort putting together.

Others seem to disagree with your view, and that wasn't what I meant at all, as I'm sure you are well aware. Some posters who started off posting what some would call crap, have ended up being decent members, others have been banned, one of those things will happen here

it tells me you actually deserve idiots like frogthebollocksucker taking over your board...as any hit is a hit..no matter how its achieved.

he posted a smiley, you have called him an idiot and changed his name to something abusive, very mature and not trolling at all.
Not sure what you mean by a hit is a hit? I've said this before and I'll say it again, the forum doesn't make me any money, in fact it costs me money every year I keep it going. The busier it gets, the more it costs. It's like my pet. Its here for you and all the other members to use. The day it doesn't get used the domain will expire and it will be gone. Until then I'll keep paying for it.

your idea of a good board and my idea of one are two different things..thats clear..which is fair enough

bit of a shame really

I would suggest the fact we are busier than a lot of other forums, even ones that have commercial ties, would suggest that the forum is being run pretty well.

As I said, I'm not going to ban someone because they post a smiley face. There is an ignore button there for a reason. Feel free to post one on his thread when he gets a loser, I can assure you you won't get banned for it either.

You are a valued member of the forum, and if you would like to report any post of his that breaks the rules, then I'll take action on it. I'm not really sure what you expect me to do to be honest. You have been here what, about 7 years now, with over 11000 posts, and you are leaving because of a smiley that was posted? If there are other posts then let me know, like I say I don't read every single post, thats why there is a report button.
I can see both sides of this, but nevertheless I would favour a slightly tougher line on posters who are clearly malevolent.

Frog (or whatever he is called) might not have broken any rules per se, but his or her actions are definitely against the spirit of what this place is about, and as such he should be told to leave. Also - surely having multiple personas is against the forum rules? (Though I must confess I have never read them.)

The fact we are all talking about this and not about racing says it all really, and what makes it worse is that he or she will be basking in the attention we are showing.
That's not the point is it Col? As I said in my post Neigh died because of this. Everyone was sick and tired of one character and gave up. This isn't about EC1, this is about someone who is plain annoying, takes over every thread, and makes plenty of us think that something thats enjoyable just isn't worth it.

I'll have a look through some more of his posts in a minute to see if I can see what you mean, but again, there is an ignore button, and I've had no reports.

I've had a look and can't really see anything but without reading each and every thread he's posted in its pretty hard to get a decent picture of what you mean, if you would like to pm me some threads or post them here I'll look tomorrow, its after midnight here though so it will be tomorrow now.

What about his multiple characters? Is that fair game for all of us as well? Shall we all start doing the same thing? What about the threads he takes over by talking to himself using two of his characters?
Again report please, drop me a pm telling me which other user names you suspect are his and I'll check them. I think you are wrong about that mind from a couple of things I looked at when this thread was started but if I know what names you suspect I can look closer.

You talk about Phil Waters. I stopped posting because of him. I got sick and tired of every thread being taken over by crap. And in reality it's only recently I've started making any real contribution again. You defended him, and after an inordinate amount of time, and a huge loss of great contributors, finally, way too late, you did the right thing. I didn't start posting again because I realised back then you just don't give a ****.
There was a lot more went on behind the scenes with Phil than most people know, and I can assure you it wasn't one way traffic. There were also legal reasons why he was allowed to keep posting, which I'm not going to get into.

You're right, I'll shut up its your forum and you can do what the you like with it irrespective of the majority being sick and tired of this. We all have choices don't we? And it won't be too much longer before we make them.
Is there a reason why you can't just click the ignore button if someone annoys you? Theres people who post who I think are annoying, obviously I can't ignore them in case somethings posted that I need to do something about, but I just skip past their posts. I'm sure you've heard the saying 'Don't feed the trolls'?
I can see both sides of this, but nevertheless I would favour a slightly tougher line on posters who are clearly malevolent.

Frog (or whatever he is called) might not have broken any rules per se, but his or her actions are definitely against the spirit of what this place is about, and as such he should be told to leave. Also - surely having multiple personas is against the forum rules? (Though I must confess I have never read them.)

The fact we are all talking about this and not about racing says it all really, and what makes it worse is that he or she will be basking in the attention we are showing.

I think it all depends on context too, have a look in the will win thread, some of slims comments in there, if he was a new member, would definately have been reported and are no different (well probably worse) to whats being complained about in this thread (sorry slim - not picking on you!), but because people 'know' him they don't complain.

Again though, you are expecting mods or admin to read each and every thread in full. It probably takes less than 30 seconds to report a post (the triangle under the user name with an exclamation mark in), if people would do that it would save a lot of time and effort, and things might get resolved a lot easier. I understand how it can be frustrating if you think mods aren't doing anything, but if no one tells them theres a problem, how do people expect them to know?
Thanks for the response Col. I've just read my post back and I was too harsh. I'm sure you have some idea of what went on at Neigh and how involved i was so please forgive me and accept my apologies. Ultimately though, one individual killed Neigh. This guy is not he same I accept, but he will drive some people away or make them reluctant to post. Also it's probably fair that your not reading or contributing like most of us so you perhaps logically wouldn't get so annoyed by it.

This guy is the same guy who ran the Bruce Savage character. Nobody, and I mean nobody, who posts or reads regularly believes otherwise. The syntax and the behaviour is identical. There was another character where he was talking to himself with a few days ago, but the name escapes me, so perhaps someone else can remember? I've just tried going back into a few threads but I can't find it.

When you say 'don't feed the trolls' part of moderation surely is to weed out the trolls? This same individual has been getting away with it for far, far too long, when it is easy for anyone who contributes regularly to see this is the same guy.

I know I shouldn't be sucked in by this. I know this is just the reaction and attention he seeks, but he has done the rounds and I've crossed paths with him previously. He's far whose than a troll.

My point still remains. Ignore button or not, this always starts out as irritating, and ends up as poison. Good people give up not just because of idiots like this, but also because of the inaction, and the perception that nobody gives a damn.

Of course this is your forum, and you should always have the right to do as you see fit, but I'm sure some of what you do now is tainted by the Phil Waters affair. And i get it. But this isn't Phil Waters (at least I assume it isn't?), so it shouldn't affect the thinking or the appropriate response surely.

I've seen the effects of the heavy hand of moderation and that can be just as bad. Without mentioning some very obvious names, there have been plenty of mod dramas here for example. But surely there are times when the blindingly obvious is just blindingly obvious!
To clarify, I have two usernames myself colin, marble and high rate. That is not a conspiracy I simply get bored of myself somefimes, feel free to delete the high rate account if needed colin. Theres been much fond talk about neigh on here, warbler was a well known member on both but other than that I dont know what this is all about. Neigh died for its own reasons and because posters became too insular. Just because tAlkinghorses is now popular its unfair to pile neigh crap on here, unless its positive imput like from posters like jakers. Finally, who is this scum on neigh who sunk that forum, marucco. I gather I was unpoplar at the time which I attribute to health issues which affected me sometimesgs ita not me you are talking about. If im the enemy then im happy to quit the forum, no hard feelings I only post because I like to talk and post on horse betting.

Irrelevant now Marble, but its always worth looking at who logs on and who logs off to figure out who's who and what accounts they have. Given some previous issues I make a habit of doing so.

And its always worth checking to see if the arsonist is in the crowd when the fire's burning.

I'd never make my suspicions public without absolute proof of course.
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To clarify, I have two usernames myself colin, marble and high rate.

I know, as I know quite a few other people have 2 usernames.

Thanks for the response Col. I've just read my post back and I was too harsh. I'm sure you have some idea of what went on at Neigh and how involved i was so please forgive me and accept my apologies. Ultimately though, one individual killed Neigh. This guy is not he same I accept, but he will drive some people away or make them reluctant to post. Also it's probably fair that your not reading or contributing like most of us so you perhaps logically wouldn't get so annoyed by it.

I actually have no idea whatsoever of what happened there, I hadn't even heard of it until some people started mentioning it on the new members thread, and by then it had gone. It might surprise people but I am hardly into racing now, I don't have time anymore. I am telling the truth when I say the forum is like a pet to me, I don't make money off it, I rarely have a bet now, it must be 10 years since I went to a race meeting and its rare I read threads, although I do pop on most days just to make sure everythings ok. When I say the forum is here for you and the other members, I'm telling the truth. Having said that, don't think I don't want it to run for another 15 years, I do, but I'm not going to beg people to post or stay if they want to leave. I think we do pretty well tbh considering facebook and twitter have killed a lot of forums (not just racing forums).

This guy is the same guy who ran the Bruce Savage character. Nobody, and I mean nobody, who posts or reads regularly believes otherwise. The syntax and the behaviour is identical. There was another character where he was talking to himself with a few days ago, but the name escapes me, so perhaps someone else can remember? I've just tried going back into a few threads but I can't find it.
I'll have a proper look tomorrow

When you say 'don't feed the trolls' part of moderation surely is to weed out the trolls? This same individual has been getting away with it for far, far too long, when it is easy for anyone who contributes regularly to see this is the same guy.
I agree, but again, you say its easy to see because you have seen it. I don't read every thread, nor do the mods. If they were paid they would. We rely on member reports to help us notice things, threads like this are rarely constructive though and rarely end well. A few reports might have changed how things have been handled.

I know I shouldn't be sucked in by this. I know this is just the reaction and attention he seeks, but he has done the rounds and I've crossed paths with him previously. He's far whose than a troll.

My point still remains. Ignore button or not, this always starts out as irritating, and ends up as poison. Good people give up not just because of idiots like this, but also because of the inaction, and the perception that nobody gives a damn.
I do get your point, but the forum is generally well run and very busy for what it is. Do you read the betfair forum? Thats troll city!

Of course this is your forum, and you should always have the right to do as you see fit, but I'm sure some of what you do now is tainted by the Phil Waters affair. And i get it. But this isn't Phil Waters (at least I assume it isn't?), so it shouldn't affect the thinking or the appropriate response surely.
Nothing I do is tainted by what happened previously, as I said there was a lot more went on, but I look at every situation individually.

I've seen the effects of the heavy hand of moderation and that can be just as bad. Without mentioning some very obvious names, there have been plenty of mod dramas here for example. But surely there are times when the blindingly obvious is just blindingly obvious!
Yes of course, and when they are seen they might be. You mention Bruce, I got numerous reports about his posts as they were happening, he got banned fairly quickly. This post is the first I knew of a problem on the board. Do you see the difference? I can't act on something if I don't know about it. I'm sorry if people don't like that, but I really don't have time to sit and read every single post thats made nowadays. I did 10 years ago, but things change. I wish I still had that much free time :lol:

Anyway I'm off to bed now.

I'm not going to let this thread run indefinately as it will just turn into a car crash, but will leave it open tomorrow for anyone else to comment.

EC1, it seems like you are going to stop posting because someone posted a smiley face. I'm not sure how you find that offensive but ffs just add him to your ignore list if he annoys you that much.

Frog, bit of advice, try to stop being so confrontational in your posts. You wouldn't walk into a bar where you knew no one and start taking the **** out of the regulars and not expect to get a slap for it. Same goes here. Once you have been around a bit and people get to know you then you are much more likely to be able to have a bit of banter with people without them taking offence. If you don't take that advice you are likely to end up banned when it gets out of hand. For what its worth I don't think you are trolling (because of things I can see that others can't), but can see why people think you are. If I thought you were though, for example as a way to find out best ways to handle situations, for maybe, if you were going to set your own forum up, then you would get banned. You might want to secure your install.php file too.
All points well made Col, and thanks for doing so. You're right threads like these don't end well, and I'm conscious I've fanned the flames so I won't comment further.
Feel free to comment, I'm not trying to stop anyone speaking their mind, and as I say, if I don't know of problems they can't be fixed.
OK, after a little investigation last night Frog has been banned for being a multiple ID of a previously banned member.

There is no link to any other user name that I can see that has been mentioned so if people could please stop accusing others it would be appreciated, if you have serious concerns please use the report button.

To Frog cos I know you will be reading this, if you attempt to register again I will be sending cease and desist orders to your ISP's (both landline and mobile) and your uni. You are likely to be held liable for those costs. Oh and just to show I did do a little research and haven't just replied on member reports, oooo what shall i put, how about, did you ever get back down south or did the girls up north start to like your cockney accent? Do you still eat your disabled housemates crisps?
Thanks Col, your efforts on behalf of the users of the forum are really appreciated.

EC1, please get back on board, your input and analysis would be sorely missed.
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