Can I just say...

On Danny's points.

I think there are a several drivers involved in the points he makes. Firstly, we are dying off. (Alan, Brian H, Merlin and Danny's examples among others), or getting older and as with any older cohort, grumpy, intolerant, impatient and inflexible. Additionally, when I first came to this place's originator, (C4 Forum, a cross between a safari park and El Paso) the interweb was new and FB, Twatter and the rest of the SM apps were just a twinkle in some nut jobs eye. It was new and exciting, anything went and the divil took the hindmost.

The vibe and protocols are different now - we have to change with them, both thankfully and unfortunately.

Great post An.

I thought back today and the first time I looked for racing forums when I got computer savvy was 2000, it was a raw old game then, but still there were people who were bloody brilliant and shared how they looked at the game.

I cannot believe how racing forums have changed, improved to be fair in some ways. Back in 2000 it was glorious ,bar for a few idiots. Was first time in my life I was in contact with people who were obsessed with racing, like me, and then would share their thoughts. Yes there were the tipster chancers but the forums then had people you got to know, you knew they were like you, they wanted to try and make money from the game in an intelligent way. To be fair, I think most people here are like that and the chancers have packed in trying.. hopefully

Last bit is important, we getting older, there is lots of competition from twitter etc but saying that TH and TRF are still going strong. Life left in forums yet I think. Maybe there being less forums mean more people go to the ones with most posts on. If there are only TH and TRF left then so what?