Car Help Required


At the Start
May 3, 2003
Can anyone give me a reason why my Ford Fiesta 1996 might be making a screeching noise when turning left and also when pressing the gas sometime?


PS Is the Gearoid on the Weston Auto Services website the same as our very own?
Screeching is often a sign that the cam belt is going - can't remember whether it is more pronounced when turning or not. They tend to go after about 10 years too.
Not sure about screaching, did it start life as a knocking noise? and develop into a screach? Might point to the bearings that being the case, and can be dangerous if the wheel folds underneath you at speed. Though the make of car probably procludes the second part.

Shadz is undoubtedly correct with the cam belt, but I'm not sure why it seemingly reacts to a turn, a cam shouldn't make any difference. You've got to think its on steering geometery or load bearing somewhere. Any difference at low and high speed? Any vibration come through the steering wheel? Is it a metal on metal noise?
Wheel bearing & Cam belt were my first thoughts as well. Or possibly a power-steering belt if it has it?
It would depend on the tone of the screech. If it's when accelerating, it could be as simple as the fan belt slipping. The turning one is of more concern.
I'd get it checked out fairly quickly Mike - if it is the cam belt and it snaps it will do untold damage to the engine. If it's the wheelbearings then that's dangerous too for obvious reasons! Even if it's just the fan belt it's worth replacing, it's not expensive.
I have to drive to Kings Lynn tomorrow but im gonna book it into the ford garage there to get looked at, it has to cope with 140 miles first though, fingers crossed
Like DO says, sounds like the FAN belt (not the cam belt) wearing thin. Many years (er, come to think of it, half a century) ago, we had a Hillman Minx whose fan belt thinned and make a sound which Mum called 'the canaries'. It wasn't a continuous screeching noise but a fluttering screeching noise. As you slowed down, it became a bit quieter, but went up to impressive head-turning decibels as you got faster! It was okay for a few weeks like that, in fact.
:( :( But it's not the fan belt for my dear old banger, I'm afraid! New brake pads, steering alignment (which I always request after the East Africa Rally style roads round here), but a big problem with water leakage and the CAM belt (which has made no noise at all). The MOT, service and repairs will cost £600 - about thrice the value of the darn car! But I do love her (or him, depending on the drive we've had). I hate to get rid of cars I enjoy driving and which don't do me wrong. This is only the fourth car I've owned since 1979, so much do I hate changing them. So (gulp!), another big wedge flies out of the bank a/c. If only a few big ones would fly in - I'll have to beg another hot shot off Tout Seul to pay for this lot!
My OH purchased a car through a car auction about 2 years ago. Only 6 months old and still had a full warranty which runs out next March. As he only paid £7k for it he really doesn't want to part with even though if he sold it, he would still get most of his money back.

I love getting new cars as I never really get attached to them but the RAV4 I have now, I absolutely adore and I have no intention of getting rid of it for a while.
The thing is, Kri, you could change to a car you don't know too well and find it will cost you the same in the first year or two. At least you know the work that's been done to your car and how much life you're likely to get out of it. It's once you start realising the money's going out more regularly than it should then it's time to sya goodbye to it.

Make sure you keep buying Japanese ;)
Ah, so, Respected Master! To be honest, I've thought a fair bit on and off about buying a new or newly-new car and what's put me off is the number of colleagues who've done so and had to toddle back to have wrinkles ironed out. The dear old Proton hammers up and down to Lingfield, taking on all comers, without a wheeze or gasp. It hasn't even had the benefit of its usual 6-month service this year, so it's done very well to do its annual 5,000-ish miles without something falling off. It had to have new disc brakes last year, which blew the budget, but hasn't cost more in replacement parts (rather than repairs, which haven't been needed), servicing and MOTs than she did to buy, so, so far, so good.

The thing is, when you've got a good old auto, it's like riding a horse you know really well (I was going to say, "It's like making love to a handsome man... ") - you know exactly how it handles in all situations and what it can and can't do. I guess because I've often had to make changes in life that I haven't always welcomed, that it's nice to hold on to something I don't absolutely HAVE to change! And when it can't perform any more, I shall retire it to a nice field, with plenty of hay...
Originally posted by BrianH@Nov 1 2006, 10:01 PM
Gas guzzler - Gordon'll get yer.
How much does my diesel RAV4 do to the gallon, Brian? Any ideas... if not... go google!

I certainly wouldn't classify it as a "gas guzzler" irrespective of what classification Gordon want's to stick on certain vehicles under the convenient heading of 4x4's for another of his many stealth taxes! <_<
Doesn't Oor Gordoon drive a Jag? Or is that just 'Two Jags' Prescott? :brows: Lead by example, chaps, lead by example... if the Dutch Queen can ride around on a bicycle...
Originally posted by Kathy@Nov 2 2006, 08:54 AM
How much does my diesel RAV4 do to the gallon, Brian? Any ideas... if not... go google!

I think I know - they do between 20 and 30 depending on whether it's around town or on a run. But don't forget - "Call me Dave" has promised to be harder on them than Golden Brown.
Originally posted by krizon@Nov 2 2006, 09:34 AM
Doesn't Oor Gordoon drive a Jag? Or is that just 'Two Jags' Prescott? Lead by example, chaps, lead by example... if the Dutch Queen can ride around on a bicycle...
Last I knew he had the ministerial Rover. "Call me Dave" cycles in to work, often with a camera crew in tow. His official car follows behind carrying his essential documents.
Brian, my RAV4 "averages" 40 mpg - so that takes into consideration both long and short distances.

I am not interested in what "call me Dave" drives or rides, but I hate this tag that all 4x4 drivers are "gas guzzlers" according to this pathetic government just so that they can find ways of adding more stealth taxes.

I got rid of my Alfa Romeo because it WAS a gas guzzler. You had one as well didn't you? I think my next choice of car, my RAV4 was much more environmentally friendly and one of the reasons I chose it.
Originally posted by Kathy@Nov 2 2006, 10:27 AM
according to this pathetic government just so that they can find ways of adding more stealth taxes.

Then given that Call me Dave's policy on taxing vehicles is more stingent than Golden's you'd better apply for US citizenship