Car Help Required

Is that the best you can do, Brian?

I don't defend "Call me Dave's" policies, as I don't even know what most of them are - nor do I really care.

What I care about is the government that is in power at the moment. They would be part of the reason I would leave this country should they manage to deceive everyone into hanging onto another term.

Whatever party that takes over from Labour will have a hell of a job to clear up the mess this lot will leave behind.
My point is a simple one - you are concerned about "green" taxes on vehicles. As all parties currently in parliament are pledged to increase them there is no escape. That's it really.
My point is simple too, Brian. My RAV4 is NOT a gas guzzler irrespective of what this useless government might think or lead everyone else to think.

So many people have been brainwashed in this country by this government that it never fails to astound me.

Not all so called "4x4's" guzzle gas. Lot's of "cars" guzzle far more gas than mine does. h:) What exactly (if anything) are Labour doing about these vehicles?
Struggling again, eh?

Have you ever considered a life in politics, Brian. Labour would love someone like you on board, assuming you are not on board, already of course! B)
Not at all - check your Shakespeare

I can't be arsed, Brian. What does this breathtaking, mindblowing piece of historical prose say in context with what "4x4's" actually should be classified as a gas guzzler?

Surely, Mr. Shake Speare didn't drive one did he? :blink:
Originally posted by Kathy@Nov 2 2006, 11:23 AM
My point is simple too, Brian. My RAV4 is NOT a gas guzzler irrespective of what this useless government might think or lead everyone else to think.

So many people have been brainwashed in this country by this government that it never fails to astound me.

Not all so called "4x4's" guzzle gas. Lot's of "cars" guzzle far more gas than mine does.
As always, the bard summed it up: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."