Originally posted by krizon@Dec 26 2006, 07:18 PM
Brian's usual attitude about anything he brings to a discussion is that his information is right and correct and we should believe him.
I don't know how many times I have to stress that it's not
my information, but with even George W Bush now converted I will continue with my missionary zeal. Please list your usual denials against today's report in alphabetical order of user names.
Humans blamed for climate change
Peter Walker and agencies
Friday February 2, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Global warming is "very likely" to have been caused by human activity, the leading international body studying climate change said in a report today.
The likelihood that the phenomenon has been created by the burning of fossil fuels and other actions is greater than 90%, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded in its fourth report.
In 2001, the body - which brings together 2,500 scientists from more than 30 countries - said global warming was only "likely", or 66% probable, to have been caused by humans.
Global warming is "unequivocal" fact and is likely to continue for centuries, the study found.
Environmental groups said the IPCC report showed urgent action was needed.
"If the last IPCC report was a wakeup call, this one is a screaming siren," Stephanie Tunmore, of Greenpeace, said.
The 21-page summary (pdf) of the findings, called Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, was formally agreed by the IPCC in Paris yesterday and released earlier today.
It steers clear of policy recommendations, instead providing a rigorously scientific assessment of the likely risks.
The report predicted that global average temperatures would rise by between 1.1C and 6.4C (2-11.5F) by 2100 - a slightly broader range than in the 2001 findings.
However, it said the best estimate was for increases of between 1.8C and 4C. In comparison, the world is currently around 5C warmer than during the last ice age.
The report predicts a rise of between 18cm and 58cm in sea levels by the end of this century, a figure that could increase by as much as 20cm if the recent melting of polar ice sheets continues.
"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level," the summary said.
The report said greenhouse gases were already responsible for a series of existing problems, including fewer cold days, hotter nights, intense heatwaves, floods and heavy rains, droughts and an increase in the strength of hurricanes and tropical storms.
The scale of such phenomena in the 21st century "would very likely be larger than those observed during the 20th century", it said, warning that no matter how much humanity reduces greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and sea level rises would continue for hundreds of years.
"This is just not something you can stop. We're just going to have to live with it," co-author Kevin Trenberth, the director of climate analysis for the US-based National Centre for Atmospheric Research, said.
"We're creating a different planet. If you were to come up back in 100 years, we'll have a different climate."
However, the scientists stressed this did not mean governments should accept the inevitable.
"The point here is to highlight what will happen if we don't do something and what will happen if we do something," another co-author, Jonathan Overpeck, of the University of Arizona, said.
"I can tell if you will decide not to do something, the impacts will be much larger than if we do something."
The environment minister, David Miliband, today said the study's findings were "another nail in the coffin of the climate change deniers".
"What's now urgently needed is the international political commitment to take action to avoid dangerous climate change," Mr Miliband said.
"This has been absent so far. If we are to succeed, we will require the engagement not just of environmental ministers but heads of state, prime ministers and finance ministers."
However, some countries at the frontline of the effects of global warming said they feared it might already be too late.
"The question is, what can we do now? There's very little we can do about arresting the process," Anote Tong, the president of Kiribati, a group of 33 Pacific coral atolls threatened by rising seas, said.
Bangladesh faces "increased level of drought, flooding and storms, especially in coastal belts, salinity and loss of land," Ainun Nisshat, the country's representative on the International Union for Conservation of Nature, said.
The head of the US delegation to the body said the report was a "comprehensive and accurate" presentation of the science.
Sharon Hays, the associate director of the White House office of science and technology policy, claimed George Bush's policy of slowing a rise in emissions rather than cutting them was working.
"The president has put in place a comprehensive set of policies to address what he has called the serious challenge of climate change," she told Reuters.
Climate change activists have lambasted Mr Bush for pulling out of the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, which he said was ineffective and harmful to the US economy. Instead, he has focused on investments in technologies such as hydrogen and biofuels.