Carmarthen - Wales - Info

Wexford? Say, buddy, is that near Cork? I just lurve your quaint British countryside...

I doubt I wanted to know the exact miles and the time I was expected to take in driving them, AC! That's just setting up unnecessary goals and resultant stress when they're not met. You can get enough of that in paid employment, can't you? Or do you project manage every journey? Perhaps it's a man thang...
Yeah, Brian has that effect on several people, I believe. It's the old Eastender bit that flares up every now and again, when he goes into 'Get Carter' mode, innit?
I have had dealings with an capall in more than one land that was foreign to both of us. I confirm that he was scared.

I don't blame him...

You betcha Kri.

At one stage I accidently split an infinitive, and then stumbled into a double negative. The room went silent, tension mounted, women lowered themselves beneath the tables, and the babies began to weep. Even the filo prawns shuddered.

Thankfully, he had backed the winner of the sprint, and I escaped without a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves inserted sideways in me.
Omigod! You were so, so, lucky, An. I've seen the trail of desolation left by him when he's been confronted by glottal-stoppers. And his vanquishing of the Estuarine Swine was heroic. But I can tell you this - don't split your infinitives in front of him again, or you'll risk a nasty hanging comparison. :o
I shall obey: I don't want to risk terminal punctuation.

Love the artwork, Gareth! Brian will have printed this off, enlarged it, and will get it framed for his study tomorrow. Or, is that framed tomorrow for his study? Oh, God, I'm not sure - I - I - (gulp!)...