Carry On, Sergeant...

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
We all love our warrior heroes, especially the equine ones, and this old boy was one of mine.

Sergeant Cecil.

Every now and again we latch on to one that rewards us time and again. I've been lucky enough to have done so more than once with the likes of Soba, Lochsong, Negus, etc

And I'll always remember Sergeant Cecil very fondly because I was on him in each of his 'triple crown' races.

Over to the RP for the obit. Whatever you're doing up there in horsey heaven, carry on, Sergeant.

Incredible horse -it will be a long time before we see another horse do that handicap treble and then win a Group 1.Needless to say I never won a penny on him.