Casela Park

Looked pretty dreadful but I struggle to see the motive - the horse was 17-2 at Newcastle - a non-trying ride was likely as much as a good effort to see the horse shorter at Musselburgh .

Why not just put the money down at Newcastle ?
I suspect they were being super greedy and thick at the same time and hoping they'd be able to get 20s or something by nobody noticing the Newcastle ride.
Needed a proper jockey on board for the Newcastle race - there's plenty out there who have become experts at this sort of thing rather than one who's riding a horse 15-20lbs well in and getting rides every six months or so.
Whatever about the incidentals, I had to laugh at a comical line in one of the reports...

"The British authorities concluded that the incident was the first deliberate stopping ride in Britain for 19 years."

Whatever about the incidentals, I had to laugh at a comical line in one of the reports...

"The British authorities concluded that the incident was the first deliberate stopping ride in Britain for 19 years."


I'm guessing the previous one involved Brian Storey and Dick Allan. In fact I'm pretty sure that exact case was cited by Pruf when starting this thread. No-one has suggested that there hasn't been a stopping ride since then, merely that none has been proven.
Whatever about the incidentals, I had to laugh at a comical line in one of the reports...

"The British authorities concluded that the incident was the first deliberate stopping ride in Britain since the previous race."


"The British authorities concluded that the incident was the first deliberate stopping ride in Britain since the previous race."

The above would likely have been more accurate.