Caught a robin today..


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
A nice experience today a Robin got into the kitchen and couldn't get out took me ten minutes to actually get hold of it as it was panciking and banging itself against the window,so released it into garden and flew off...I went outside and sat on the garden bench and it came back and sat by me for half an hour,while i was talking to it was listening to me looking at me within touching distance,it gave me the same feeling as seeing your first born or holding hands with someone you love a rare experience for me with nature as i hardly go outdoors..Really made my day..:<3:
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While the faeces hits the fan and the faecal fan the flames all around us Mother Nature provides the salve, as she always has

The mental health benefits of spending time outdoors watching nature have been blindingly obvious to me for as long as I can remember. Immersing yourself in nature, even if it’s just for a few short minutes, changes your perspective, it helps you slow down and notice what’s going on around you and it opens a door to the overlooked beauty and drama of our natural world - Chris Packham with a truism to end all truisms

It's good news day:

The Big Butterfly Count starts today:

Get out there and give it a go, or if you can't be bothered to give it a go just get outside anyway and imbibe of high summer's opioids

The House Martins in the eaves of my roof have just laid their second brood of eggs
The Vale of York's noteworthy Tree Sparrow population are gobbling vast quantities of birdseed from my feeders
I heard a Yellowhammer the other day

Life's always good far from the madding crowd: unremittingly beautiful
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Strangely every summer i say to my partner what happpened to the butterflys and ladybirds have been saying the same thing for 15 years,when i was 7-10 years of age i would spend all day catching them and putting them in large jars hundreds over a few days i could go into the garden now and not see a butterfly all week,hopefully that trends gong to be broken i did see it o the news unfortunately switched to the BBC news for five minutes:)..We seem to be plagued with grey squirrels that live in a large tree in the garden,although classed as vermin it's hard to see them in that light,it's definitely good for the serotonin levels thats for sure i just wish there was less racing!!
Seen more butterflies this summer than I have for years. The farm next to us has a field full of wildflowers; something I've never seen on that farm before. And there are cornflowers growing in the wheatfield next to it; again something I've never seen before [at least, I think they're cornflowers; they're blue anyway]. And, have just let the dog out into the garden and there's a toad [or a frog] sat outside. Methinks nature is fighting back....
Strangely every summer i say to my partner what happpened to the butterflys and ladybirds have been saying the same thing for 15 years,when i was 7-10 years of age i would spend all day catching them and putting them in large jars hundreds over a few days i could go into the garden now and not see a butterfly all week
You obviously caught them all Andy, and are fully responsible for the lack of them these days!;)
Think the BBC are planning a PANORAMA hatchet job on me they have a picture of a JAR in my garage and a butterfly once flew past my garden three years ago and hasn't been seen since, the the evidence is irrefutable,now the press are backing them up and the public are beginning to send me hate mail/tweets...I'm sure the brits won't fall this for they couldn't be that stupid..:rolleyes:
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You sound like Trump claiming false news. The evidence is irrefutable and you’re going down. WI5, The Women's Institute investigation branch, started the campaign against you because of the jam jar shortage reaching crisis proportions. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you saw a homemade jar of chutney, piccalilli, or damson jam? WI numbers are significantly down over the last few decades and the timing isn’t coincidence.

These things have knock on consequences and you need to take ownership of the problems you’ve created in rural England. Generations of children have been deprived. Most think the Red Admiral is where their Dad gets drunk every night, and the Ladybird is the reason for all the rows they hear when they’re laying in bed. It’s hardly surprising village greens everywhere have become focul points for Mums picking up little baggies of Cabbage White to take the edge off.

Despite your protests, you all but signed your confession in the opening posts on here. I’m convinced that Bill Oddie is a member on here (See Drone’s posts on the subject!), and I suspect you could be in real trouble. He’s been looking for an opportunity to get on to Michaela Strachan (Moehat), and her good pal Stacey Dooley (JinnyJ). So for sure you’ll be getting a knock on the door any day soon. You can only hope that Dooley doesn’t get her celebrity dancing pal Judge Rinder (Grasshopper), to hear the case because what’s coming to you may be much stiffer than you're expecting.
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Accusations from JBM(jewish butterfly movement) apparently 10,000 complaints 9,900 from margaret hodge,my moles have informed me that those 10,000 complaints are from only 49 actual JBM members,thousands of JMB members have come out in support of me but apparently they appear to be not the ''right type of JMB'' members that the BBC and media want to talk too...