Phwoarrrr... sounds like that should swing it, Dom! A one-terrier bloke is usually pretty sound, but a two-terrier chap is un hombre mucho macho. I'd be inclined to invite him out for Christmas. (You'll need that time to boost your energy levels with megavitamins and healthy eating.)
Two terriers? You may be on then - as log as they're not little rats like my Ma's Jack Russell puppy!! Actually, if my Dad turns his back I could chuck in two springer spaniel puppies....and I have a tail-less border collie bitch too!
How about now?! I reckon I can try and get a seat on the next flight out of this hellhole and be at Heathrow by about 11pm. By my reckoning that's about the fastest way I can get to a civilised country where they have running water in the homes rather than this backward latrine where they don't even bother answering the 24 hour emergency line because, God forbid, that would involve dragging some lazy Gibbo away from their Sunday afternoon piss up to do some work....
That's a very good point Shads and I'm glad you made it, because I wouldn't shag John McCririck for a million quid if I already had a million quid (or even 1/4 mil).
I will use that as a defence in future discussions.
But you gotta figure, Dom, with all that blubber and age against him, Fatso isn't going to be exactly an all-nighter, is he? I should think it'd be flip, flop, oops, and over. For that, a million quid is pretty good pocket change. Do you have his phone number?
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