The Exacta was £346.60, and the CSF paid £443.28. I thought they might have reached £1,000 with 25/1 and 66/1 for the 1/2. Today's Placepot will be a good one.Wow! Not many words for that, well, madness.
Townend's the villain here imo. Like Walsh before him he wants to ride all the good horses and with State Man coming to himself at home obviously the dream scenario was Lossie in the Mares and SM in the Champion. Karma that the latter fell. I laughed I confess.Onto Punchestown so.
Credit to the winning team for running. Rich Ricci coming in for some grief for his decision.
You laughed? You are no horse racing fan lad.Townend's the villain here imo. Like Walsh before him he wants to ride all the good horses and with State Man coming to himself at home obviously the dream scenario was Lossie in the Mares and SM in the Champion. Karma that the latter fell. I laughed I confess.
Missed the whole sorrry scene,as I spent the whole afternoon at the hospital.
Some may revel in the result, but he'll remain as the best hurdler I've seen.
Gutted for Nicky; don't how he copes with the slings and arrows,but his knockers will have their day in the sun.