The forum seems to have a lot of topics which are both grouped under one heading and also not grouped at all, but are similarly-related. We've been thinking over in the Moderators' Section (for those of you who thought we were just gossiping idly about Ascot hats) that perhaps a 'Changes' Section, modelled on that in the monthly Owner & Breeder Magazine, might help us all reach the area of interest more readily. Or, more importantly for some of you, avoid it altogether. Roughly - because we'd like your input on this - we'd like to move the following categories into the new 'Changes' section:
All human hatches, matches and despatches - whether personal or racing-connected.
Forum birthdays. We know some of you hate 'em, some of you like 'em, so we plan to put them in one place for you to add to or to swerve without the need to carp about them.
Jockeys' injuries and updates, so we don't have to go back 10 pages to find the last on any special person.
Equine hatches, matches and despatches. Who's had a foal, who's the latest new sire, who has died. The RIP bit can now include not just those fallen in action, but also sire and dam news, too.
Retirements: human and equine. Which trainer/jockey/owner has called it a day; which horse has been retired, why, where to, etc.
Other changes: trainers changing yards, horses shuttling, horses changing owners, jockeys changing yards, etc.
We realize that these items are all of interest to some of you at some point, but we feel there are enough different types of 'changes' that perhaps a one-stop shop is the best place to locate them.
So that it's easier to respond to any of them, we propose to keep the already existing topic headers, such as Horse RIPS, Birthdays, etc. Some will need new ones, but to avoid making it too littered, we could keep the major ones, such as People Hatches, Matches and Despatches as one.
Now's your turn to say what you think (constructively, please) and to propose any headers you'd like to see included. No - the Birthday section isn't going, An Capall!
Thanks for your input, folks.
All human hatches, matches and despatches - whether personal or racing-connected.
Forum birthdays. We know some of you hate 'em, some of you like 'em, so we plan to put them in one place for you to add to or to swerve without the need to carp about them.
Jockeys' injuries and updates, so we don't have to go back 10 pages to find the last on any special person.
Equine hatches, matches and despatches. Who's had a foal, who's the latest new sire, who has died. The RIP bit can now include not just those fallen in action, but also sire and dam news, too.
Retirements: human and equine. Which trainer/jockey/owner has called it a day; which horse has been retired, why, where to, etc.
Other changes: trainers changing yards, horses shuttling, horses changing owners, jockeys changing yards, etc.
We realize that these items are all of interest to some of you at some point, but we feel there are enough different types of 'changes' that perhaps a one-stop shop is the best place to locate them.
So that it's easier to respond to any of them, we propose to keep the already existing topic headers, such as Horse RIPS, Birthdays, etc. Some will need new ones, but to avoid making it too littered, we could keep the major ones, such as People Hatches, Matches and Despatches as one.
Now's your turn to say what you think (constructively, please) and to propose any headers you'd like to see included. No - the Birthday section isn't going, An Capall!

Thanks for your input, folks.