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"changes" Section Proposed


Dormant account
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
The forum seems to have a lot of topics which are both grouped under one heading and also not grouped at all, but are similarly-related. We've been thinking over in the Moderators' Section (for those of you who thought we were just gossiping idly about Ascot hats) that perhaps a 'Changes' Section, modelled on that in the monthly Owner & Breeder Magazine, might help us all reach the area of interest more readily. Or, more importantly for some of you, avoid it altogether. Roughly - because we'd like your input on this - we'd like to move the following categories into the new 'Changes' section:

All human hatches, matches and despatches - whether personal or racing-connected.

Forum birthdays. We know some of you hate 'em, some of you like 'em, so we plan to put them in one place for you to add to or to swerve without the need to carp about them.

Jockeys' injuries and updates, so we don't have to go back 10 pages to find the last on any special person.

Equine hatches, matches and despatches. Who's had a foal, who's the latest new sire, who has died. The RIP bit can now include not just those fallen in action, but also sire and dam news, too.

Retirements: human and equine. Which trainer/jockey/owner has called it a day; which horse has been retired, why, where to, etc.

Other changes: trainers changing yards, horses shuttling, horses changing owners, jockeys changing yards, etc.

We realize that these items are all of interest to some of you at some point, but we feel there are enough different types of 'changes' that perhaps a one-stop shop is the best place to locate them.

So that it's easier to respond to any of them, we propose to keep the already existing topic headers, such as Horse RIPS, Birthdays, etc. Some will need new ones, but to avoid making it too littered, we could keep the major ones, such as People Hatches, Matches and Despatches as one.

Now's your turn to say what you think (constructively, please) and to propose any headers you'd like to see included. No - the Birthday section isn't going, An Capall! :D

Thanks for your input, folks.
Sounds like a load of shite IMVHO
My opinion is that forums grow organically (and in some cases chaotically), and trying to impose too much organisation on them risks suffocation. I think this place, as it is, has the the balance right, and the only change I'd make would be to create a constant (pinned?) Happy Birthday topic that's easily ignored, since that seems to be the biggest bone of contention.
I agree with Gareth. As far as I'm concerned, the new proposal would end up as a mish-mash of items that, actually, either belong in a racing section (because they're about racing in some way) or in a Chit Chat section because they're about something else. I also happen to think that it's a bit sad when people are so intolerant of other people's preferences (in terms of the topics they post) that they feel the need to carp about them. With the exception of the mods (with whom I do have sympathy because they have to read everything, whether they like it or not!!) no-one has to read any topic so, basically, if you don't like it, just ignore it! There are many, many topics on here that I don't read, or that I read once, find out what they are actually about and then never both with again - that's my preference. I don't feel it gives me the right to criticise either the topic or the poster.
As the originator of this idea, I agree that it covers far too much content.

My suggestion is a sub-section for human hatches, matches and despatches and any equine deaths - everything else remains as is.

K.I.S.S. as they say...
Why not just have one STICKY for Equine deaths, just the name and number.

ie, SPARROW no 146
I just don't see the point in creating another section, why do the organisers of forums keep wanting to do this? The 3 sections that already exist are plenty. It's fine as it is. There's not a problem that needs solving.

Is this all to do with Songsheet getting a bollocking from Aldaniti after a snotty remark on the Coolmore thread?

"Changes" is an entirely artificial concept anyway, are we to post changes in going on it as well?

As Muttley says, if you're not interested in a particular topic, don't read it or post to it.

If you want to see a real mess, go to the Racing Forum, where different sections are spread around like confetti.
In the voice of my seven year old "I donnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't liiiiiiiiiiike iiiiiiiiiiiit".

Keep it how it is please?
Venusian - you've never had a look at Final Furlong, then? :brows:

Okay, the bottom line is that I personally couldn't care less either way about this idea. Julie loathes and detests the equine RIPs. An Capall loathes and detests the birthday section. Some people loathe and detest the Jokes and some people just loathe and detest the entire 'Chit-Chat' section (not least the naff name).

As someone who initiated the equine RIP wrap at the end of each year, I'm not entirely happy that it turns into a running lengthy discussion over every busted neck and leg, but on the other hand, it seems to be what some forum members want to do, so who am I to say that the topic should be dropped (which I am aware a number of forumites would like)? I think we should all keep the topics which interest us, even when they're minority items.

If the concensus is that a new section isn't wanted, then it won't be done. No-one is imposing anything, which is why you were all invited to have your say. Which would be nice if you could do in a polite way, thank you, Honest Tom (and the day you ever contribute anything but gripes and groans, I'll turn into a psychedelic frog - you of all people should have not so much a 'Changes' section but your very own 'Whinges' one.) I thank you.
A special topic for changes etc or indeed a special forum does sound pretty good but maybe with a few sticky's like "Announcements" as Jamie has over at what was formerly OHR - use it for birthdays, deaths, lives, births, crop of 2006 foals, favourite mare giving birth, stallion impotency etc.
Kri, as one who posts on the RIP's thread from time to time, I feel the need to respond.
I personally don't see it as a thread full of every busted neck or leg injuries. It's a place where someone like myself can catch up on the horses that we have lost without having to scour through endless results on the RP site. I don't have the time to read through the racing sites and papers to keep up to date, and to be honest if a horse has died, I want to know. Every single horse that has lost of its life through racing, deserves a mention. Those who do not like the thread can stay out of it.
I agree with Muttley and Gareth, I too do not trowel through all the threads. I can guess what they are about from the title. There are some particular threads that I cannot stand, but I don't see why they should be moved or incorporated into another thread or section.
The forum works fine at the mo, so if it ain't broke why fix it?

Or why not just have a poll, straight forward Yes or No to the changes. I am sure the majority will be No!
'Wearily' ....

Fine, leave the board as it is then but in that case, I suggest that folk get tougher skins and further 'Goodbye', 'flouncing off into the sunset' type topics just because (in this case, me) someone dares to disagree will just get deleted - James will not be the guilty party, it will be me. If you don't like something on the forum or someone, either PM them, discuss the offending comment in a rational manner or leave without trying to cause trouble by rallying a few troops....

Incidentally, I don't hate the equine deaths section one bit - I agree with Derek's comments above - so disproving an earlier post I made the other day. My beef is that if any of us takes a less than wholly sentimental view of the majority of equine deaths, then it's an instant assumption that we have no feelings about the horses themselves and that does annoy me!
Just to be practical, though - if you have a stickied thread which is aimed at simply giving the name and "number" of the horse, will that not potentially then generate a whole raft of threads about individual horses that have lost their lives? Surely it's better to have a single thread in which people can discuss the issue, if they so wish, than a proliferation of smaller threads? It does seem to me that the current way of doing it is the tidiest ..
Originally posted by krizon@Jun 24 2006, 11:07 PM
No-one is imposing anything, which is why you were all invited to have your say. Which would be nice if you could do in a polite way, thank you, Honest Tom (and the day you ever contribute anything but gripes and groans, I'll turn into a psychedelic frog - you of all people should have not so much a 'Changes' section but your very own 'Whinges' one.) I thank you.

You're no fun any more Kri. All you ever seem to do is bitch. Surely you understand that I've got to call it the way I see it.

PS I think there should be a sticky where meat eating SCUM can post the names and addresses of their meals.
Honest Tom,
there should also be a sticky for you, that, as a "pro punter" it's a bad move to keep backing runners from a stable that you can't trust, although i can't say that i know of any one who would be so stupid, except for...... :D
I agree with Gareth, Muttley and everyone else (lost count after Muttley!!) that IMO a new section isn't needed. Apart from anythign else, if we take all changes as outlined in the opening post & take them elsewhere then the racing section will become very threadbare indeed! I also don't really like the thought of getting a bollocking because (shock, horror!) you've posted something in the wrong section!
An Capall loathes and detests the birthday section

eerrmmmmm, except that I don't.

I think we have enough sections. We have a rythem - its OK. I would suggest that we tidy up the top of the General Racing Section as it has become very cluttered with Stickies.