Ched Evans

oh right

i abhor the crime..i haven't much love for footballers..but this case doesn't really your normal rape case does it? I certainly would not support a man i thought was guilty..this crime is too serious to have a case like this where not one person can say how this verdict came about ..and where thousands of people on line have discussed it and are also mystified how this decision was reached

i'd never question a case of rape ...but blanketing this case in with all rape cases as a whole is wrong imo...there are issues here that defy logic imo...if it were my son i'd be very unhappy...whereas if it were my son and it was a clear cut case i'd disown him
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i wonder if those who passed judgement on the bloke..based on the nonsnse that was the original trial..have the same enthusiasm for apologising to this man as they had in condemning him

first in the queue for that apology should be Jessica Ennis Hill

anyone with even just a bit of nous could have spotted the flaws in the original decision..if they had been arsed to look into it..but the problem with a lot of these social media posters is that they just latch on..and condemn..without looking deeper.

he will never really shake this off..although Craig Charles managed it..i hope he can
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I haven't been following the thread (or if I was all those years ago I've forgotten most of it) but I've been reading about it lately and I'm shocked that the case against Evans ever got off the ground.

The guy's career and reputation have been ruined but I feel sorrier for his fiance whom he wronged in the first place. The girl involved in the case doesn't come out of it too well but the police look once again to be the cause of a very serious alleged wrongful procedure.

I hope Evans takes them for a seven-figure sum damages (and passes it on to his fiance).
Last edited: outrageous carry on..the police have ultimately ruined both young people's lives with this...if they had just given the woman..can i use that word:)..her hand bag back nowt would happened. I can imagine just how the police viewed nailing a footballer...i'm still staggered by the original court case..i read the whole lot at the time..pity a few others didn't..then maybe they would have seen what a gross miscarriage of justice it usual with twitter..they have no time for looking at things in detail..just want folk castrated..too busy posting how outraged they are.

what i heard yesterday is that Evans will have a hard job getting damages..some legal boffin were saying how difficult it is...a bit outrageous when the Sun had to pay Elton John some ridiculous figure a few years ago....i think Mr Evans has suffered some major grief here

i am proud to say my local team took a chance and set him on..very brave of them..unlike the gutless Sheffield United and Jessica Ennis
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I got unfollowed on Twitter by a former poster on here when I called the lass Richard Keys is nobbing a whore last week. Better not say what I think of this young lady.
Both as bad as each other imo.


two young people used by the police to try and get a high profile case..a bit similar to yorkshire police who have enough interest to pursue Cliff Richard..but no resources or interest to pursue 1400 cases in Rotherham..lots of publicity in one instance..none in the other..unless you get caught out being wrong in both they did..then the game of chase the best publicity backfires on you in a rather big way

imo..the police in this incident are an absolute disgrace and they continue what looks like a widespread trend within the police forces force wants to outdo another by pursuing celebrities rather than doing their job properly

most people passing judgement on Evans don't even know the girl didn't cry was the police that made it a rape case..that alone should have sounded warnings to those who like jumping on bandwagons and destroying peoples lives on twatter.

The real target of anger here..should be aimed at the police..they need to explain why this celebrity hunt is so important to them that they are happy to pursue celebrities at any cost..but ignore crimes that happen to ordinary people everyday
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I suggest that people should be extremely careful before they make allegations of that nature on here .

On top of that "The woman " is offensive " the victim " I think is the proper description - it is hardly a surprise that the number of female members of this forum has dwindled so markedly .

Thirdly, suggesting such things were put on twitter refers to possible unlawful disclosure of her name

Finally , unless Mr Evans is acquitted on a further appeal then his conviction will never be spent under the Rehab of Offenders Act 1974 as it is for more than four years .

Most sensible thing I suggest would be to close this thread before anyone posts something particularly stupid .

I used to be a daily contributor here . Got an e-mail notification about this thread which is the only reason sadly that I am typing this . Ardross is right . Alan Morgan had standards and encouraged inclusivity from all points of view . I came back about a year ago for a few weeks and regretted it . .
You really are full of it -can you remember threatening to report me to the police for something you disagreed with.There is plenty of vigorous debate here-if you want inclusivity or hugs I suggest you go somewhere else.