Cheltenham 2017/18

There wasn't much in it temperature wise both days. Agree there wss a slight breeze Wednesday. Surely it has something to do with them being mares and were affected more.
Think having a mares card didn't work as that was as poor a card as I've ever seen at HQ yesterday.
Don't think their sex had anything to do with it, geldings were as badly affected on Wednesday, problem was it took a couple of races on Wednesday before it was actually realised there was an issue.
Roy set up and ran Neigh (was called The Steeplchase Studio originally), for anyone that ever looked at it in days gone by. A thoroughly knowledgeable and decent guy. As with anyone who commits their thoughts to print or the internet it's unlikely you'll agree with everything written, but Roy often takes and alternative non-mainstream view and it's well worth listening to or reading.
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Possibly the same guy that posts under the pseudonym steeplechasing on TRF?. If so, never had much to do with him but from bits I have read he comes across as a decent bloke, with a knowledge of the sport and I've read (lots of) worse judges.

I haven't read the linked doc (yet) but I glanced at it and while I doubt I'll agree with all of it it's hard to criticise anybody with the love for the sport and patience to go into that level of detail.
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