Cheltenham Club...Disgrace


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
All year the "lawn" has been fenced off with no one allowed to stand on it and the festival Friday it was like a one stood on it during last couple of races.
One would think that with the price of a Club badge now nearly £100, someone could sort out a piece of fecking grass to stand on that wouldnt be destroyed by a bit of rain?
Erm harry have you not noticed all the rain we have had in the last 12 months ???

Yes I have smartass
I've also been a member since 1990 and this year is the first time I've noticed virtually every meeting the lawn is out of bounds.
Yes I have smartass
I've also been a member since 1990 and this year is the first time I've noticed virtually every meeting the lawn is out of bounds.

It appears , however, that you have not noticed that the rainfall levels have been the highest for a century .

The lawn was a bog at the December meeting - perhaps unwisely it wasn't cordoned off that Saturday.

If you expected it to have recovered in the winter before Tuesday you evidently know even less about turf management and horticulture than you do about horse racing :p
Grass turns into mud when wet and walked on shock. What else would you expect exactly?!

A racecourse who can cater for the many thousands paying up to £100 per day to be able to view the races on the area assigned for them.
It appears , however, that you have not noticed that the rainfall levels have been the highest for a century .

The lawn was a bog at the December meeting - perhaps unwisely it wasn't cordoned off that Saturday.

If you expected it to have recovered in the winter before Tuesday you evidently know even less about turf management and horticulture than you do about horse racing :p

Ardross, I laugh when I remember people ripping the **** out of you when you were a moderator. You haven't changed your honour :lol:
I have been going to the festival for a few years now and the facilities are really getting tired now. Toilets are a disgrace bars like see you then really dated. Food expensive and nowwhere to sit eating it. I love going but things like this are beginning to annoy.
Unless people vote with their feet I doubt there will be any great rush to do anything about it.

Knock about 30,000 off the crowd each day and I might think about returning.
i go to tatts out of habit (and know way round after all these years) but is club that much better? I hear mixed things

I thought the weds was shade easier this year but thats not saying much really. Guinness bar was definitely easy enough

Overall the stands are well overdue a rebuild
I went on the Wednesday and it was a lot better this year as I went tuesday last year and it was rammed.downside was the toilets were in pitch darkness in the club as the electric went out for about 3 hours!the food was rediculously expensive,which you expect and the young pissed up tweed and cords brigade got on my wick a few times..........worth it though!
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Mention of cords reminds me, what's happened the raspberry ones? Did this year's order fail to arrive in time, or was it a case of gents outfitters showing tough love to their clients and refusing to supply them?
I thought I saw an interview where they said there would a whole load of improvements made after the festival? Think it was with Gillespies replacement... Not a complete overhaul but bars and toilets were mentioned.

I'd had a cheeky smoke at the time though so details are hazy....
A blessed relief - the serious drop in the number of sightings of eejits in raspberry cords .
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