Cheltenham Coverage


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Your views here on the RUK and C4 coverage...

If you tune into C4 now you can watch a group of people eating dinner...
I've only got Ch.4 (due to penury... all contributions gratefully received!), but the fact they have some six or so staff rambling on course, in every sense, and none had the wit to put up their bins to see which were the two loose horses travelling unharmed, while solemnly - at the end of the day - announcing that KNOWHERE was dead, is unforgivable. It makes you think they'd got their snouts in the trough in the Press Box, or were propping up bars somewhere else, just popping out for a few inanities to camera in between.
To be honest, having lost the subscription to RUK and persevered with Channel 4 today, I'm very glad I'm going to Cheltenham tomorrow and for the rest of the week. I always worried that by going to the track, you might miss a lot of the build-up, a lot of the interviews, info etc.......

Not any more...I'll miss nothing.
ive taken RUK for one month only and not regretted in the slightest. Coverage has been as informative, opinionated and as free from the droning sentimentailty as you would expect

First class
Give it time, clivex, give it time... ! The droning, unsentimental but deadly dull, is a straight 9.5 on anyone's Technical Merit card. Obviously, they'll all be 'up' for this week, but you'll have to put up with Jonathan Neesom's constant sneer about anything spelled f-l-a-t, and especially something which rhymes with 'all weather'. After a while, the joke wears very thin indeed. RUK seems to be heavily biased towards NH, hunter chases, and would probably much prefer to cover PtPs than anything that didn't have an obstacle in the way.
To be honest, having lost the subscription to RUK and persevered with Channel 4 today, I'm very glad I'm going to Cheltenham tomorrow and for the rest of the week. I always worried that by going to the track, you might miss a lot of the build-up, a lot of the interviews, info etc.......

Not any more...I'll miss nothing.

I am jealous rotten - I am in exactly the same boat except I ain't going!
RUK irritates the life out of me. Half an hour between races. 20 mins taken up watching a re-run amid endless blether. Few minutes of parade and more blether. Why can't the opposite be true? Let us have a good look at the horses and save the re-runs 'til later. Besides: can't hear it in the pub :(
One thing that Channel 4 have over Racing UK is Simon Holt. For me he's the best commentator around especially for the big races. Racing UK are ok when they use Richard Hoiles but unfortunately they also use Mike Cattermole who is pretty bad to be honest.
Shadz - nothing wrong with hunter chases and points at all. I like 'em myself, but if presenters are paid to present whatever's on, I'd rather they didn't spend the day looking sulky and whining about not being at Larkhill!
Channel4 have reached new lows - everytime I switch over its a fecking documentary or something - not LIVE coverage.
It's Findlay and Smith wittering on, over and over. The coverage is dire every year, with Big Mac and Tanya always stuck among the gurning, squealing oiks. Yeah, we get the point they're down in the ring, reporting the shows. Couldn't they get their backs to a wall somewhere, though, so all those chumps aren't distracting from any possible usefulness?
I don't watch Channel 4 often, but the coverage is dire.

Apart from a head-on slow-motion and an iso of the winner about twenty minutes after the race itself, there is absolutely no analysis of the race. More likely to get a replay of somebody watching the race in the stand. Doing my head in.
I cant help it but i am getting p****d of looking at findlay and smith prattling on jesus findlay can talk for britain sorry but he gets on my wick as for tanyaaaaaa and mac words fail me she will be alright one day when she can string a sentence together.