Cheltenham Tuesday March 12th 2024


Mar 2, 2018

Here we are at the festival.

Once more we launch our foggy, hopeful deliberations onto the landscape of Prestbury Park Racecourse. And foggy they are. I'll admit that, come the day, my deliberations will have me downright flummoxed. Yes, it's guesswork, my friends, for the most part, but I'll be thrilled to be watching as the fog lifts to reveal the denouement of my Festival folly.

I only have one main bet for the first day:

Apple Away - 5.30 Cheltenham 20/1 Ew Antepost

I've watched this one from her first chase and was immediately impressed by her jumping and scope. It seems to me that she's a natural but subsequent to her Leicester win, where she jumped like an efficient stag, her last two runs disappointed me at the time. Firstly, she was beaten by Grey Dawning, although I have a feeling that one is not far off the best. Next, her last run, she was 3L behind Henry's Friend. On that day, I'm not so sure the Ascot track suited her. "Excuses", I know but I always follow a horse into Cheltenham if they've made a marked impression on me during the season. This is one such.

After that Ascot defeat, it dawned on me that her 137 mark was juicy indeed, should they choose the handicap route and was well pleased to see her entered into both the Ultima and Kim Muir. I am astonished that she was withdrawn from the Ultima , being near bottom weight. Then to see connections also spurn the Kim Muir in favour of this race. Well, I was, err, flummoxed.

Be that as it may, the stable consider her to be a proper stayer and have said as much so I must rely on their judgement and also, perhaps, be reassured that she will avoid the hurly burly of twenty or so handicappers bustling around here. There is at least that.

I suppose I should confess to feeling that the shortening of her odds from 20's to 8's in the last two days looks ominous, you know. I don't like it when that happens. Still, there you have it. She's backed.

I'd like to add a poignant note here. It was in this race last year I backed Ben Paulin's Malinello, who had looked such a promising chaser prior to the festival. He was fatally injured after falling at the sixteenth. I was desolate and really did mourn the event for quite some time after. So, so sad. With that in mind I will say that, beyond anything else, I want all the horses at the festival to come home safe and sound.

Lastly, I'll share my Tuesday follies knowing that a single winner will be little short of a miracle. As I say: guesswork and for little stakes:

1.30 Tullyhill
2.10 JPR One ew
2.50 Trelawne ew
3.30 State Man
4.10 Lossiemouth
4.50 Nara ew

Good luck:confused: