Cheltenhan Festival Day 1

If I'd had the conviction to back Katchit to win rather than just be top Brit at 3/1 it'd have been better, but a solid, profitable start to the meeting.
Big win bet on Muirhead. Told to ignore Cee Bee by a friend of Harty

Big win bet on Thyne Again. Small win bet on Tidal Bay. Small lay on Noland. Good race

Very big win bet on Osana

Very big win bet on King Harald

Laid Garde C, small win bet on LE Duc

Laid the top two in Fred Winter

Down €240
Must be one of the few that had a good day by the sounds of it (around £200 up) with 4 winners and a couple of place pick ups.

Followed the trends in the main (obviously got done in the CH!) so hopefully they are as kind to me on Weds. That said, I'm not too hopeful as Weds/Thurs at the festival aren't usually very good to me!!

Wishing you all much better luck on Weds.

Couple of E/W seconds (Binocular and Kruguyrova) covered my Harchibald bet. Small place bet on Royal Auclair left me down on the day.

In truth the first three days are just about how much or how little I put on Kauto.
Originally posted by Venusian@Mar 10 2008, 08:19 PM
Blimey, Steve, I'd go easy on the betting tomorrow, none of yours can win.

Binocular takes my fancy in the first, with Straw Bear and Grand Schlem being likely e/w chances in the CH and FW.
Followed you in on Binocular with a quite chunky each-way bet on course. Also backed Khyber Kim.

Otherwise ignored you.

Big each-each way bet on Tidal Bay.

Good each way bets on Sublimity and Katchit

And a little bit on Garde Champetre in the Cross Country saw me well up on Day 1.

Lost on Thursday with my only return on Alberta's Run and Kasbah Bliss.

Cleaned up on Friday with Denman and Celestial Halo.

With each way (doubles) returns on The Tother One, Chomba Womba and Psycho protecting the downside.