Christmas Children's Appeal

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kathy
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I know how popular The Daily Mail is amongst some of you on this forum, so I thought I would take the liberty of telling you about something they are doing for children's charities if anyone is remotely interested.

Details can be found here:

Daily Mail £100k Charity Donation

In short, they have £100k to give away to one of 10 children's charities. All of them appear to be very worthy causes.

I think you can vote by phone or via the internet.

Thank you :)
Ardross, please do not follow me around on this forum with your petty comments. It's becoming very tiresome.

I thank you.
I visited the Special Care Baby Unit at our City Hospital today to donate some of the profits raised by our Annual Panto. It's a very humbling experience...I only wish we could give them more.
Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 23 2006, 06:51 PM
Ardross, please do not follow me around on this forum with your petty comments. It's becoming very tiresome.

I thank you.
In your dreams :ph34r: - Nurse , Nurse Kathy has not taken her tablets ......

Agreed entirely Mark but my point was a serious one - if a national newspaper has such money to give away to a number of children's charities there is something profoundly distasteful about making them compete .
How did the panto go, MarkEE?

The Mail article states that The RBS have given £10k to about 90 charities already. It's a pity your hospital wasn't one of them.

Daily Mail readers were given the chance to nominate their favourite kid's charities to receive £1 million from RBS, thousands of people sent in their nominations and ninety have been chosen to receive £10,000, the ninety charities chosen will be featured here in early January.

There is only one thing distasteful on this thread, Ardross. <_< Go and work that one out.
The Panto went down a storm, thanks. We raised £4500 after expenses but a lot of it is needed by the various factions of our club, including senior and junior rugby and football sides along with skittles, darts etc. In a way, these are also worthy causes as it benefits the community and helps the club survive.

Today I gave the Baby Unit £324 and we will raise further funds by selling the DVDs of the show and all of this will be added to the donation already given to the Baby Unit. Hopefully we can try and make the total donation up to a grand.
Well done MarkEE. Why don't you post up the link to your site for the purchase of the DVD's, you never know, someone on this forum may like to dig deep for a worthy cause.

I hadn't actually seen the charity article in The Daily Mail. It was brought to my attention by the NSPCC asking me to vote for them.

The e-mail addressed to me (and thousands of other NSPCC supporters before anyone points out I wasn't the only one to receive the e-mail) ends

" Best regards

Chris Wood, Relationship Manager

P.S. Watch out for the NSPCC in the Daily Mail newspaper over Christmas and the New Year. We have a chance to win a £100,000 donation from the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Daily Mail is asking readers to vote for one of the shortlisted charities. Please pick up the phone and vote for us! Voting lines are now open and the number to call for us to win the £100,000 is 0905 197 0048. Voters can also email their vote if they click here. Find out more about the competition on the Daily Mail website."
Not knocking charities!!! but this goverment ought to look after some of these worthy causes not leave it to the likes of you or and I....

One I contribute too (which again should be looked after by this goverment or the shipping lines) is the R.N.L. people who risk their lives for others daily.

The Tusami funds are still locked in banks(and fall far short of the nomination from different countries it was all promised and nothing came) just like the ABERFAN disaster of 40 yrs ago these funds are still locked away and a large percentage was used to move the offending tip, do you think that's correct I gave monies to this cause 40 yrs ago and feel like I have been used by the government and the then N-C-B...

We see millions going to African states sent by this government!! Has no one told them that charity begins at home???????

Markee its a brilliant gesture on your guys parts but again why don't the government come foreward with monies for these babies in need???

And where does all this money go as EURO stated with the donations from children in need?? AFRICA??????? or some other third world country???:angry: :rolleyes:
I understood that this government had refunded the money used from the Aberfan fund to move the tip? They may not have given it back with interest, but they are the first government in nearly 40 years to actually do it.
It still stinks that these charities have to compete for the £100,000 no matter how you try to turn a serious point into personal abuse Kathy . The ninety charities should share that last £100,00 not have to compete via some tacky poll.
Originally posted by Ardross@Dec 24 2006, 01:11 AM
no matter how you try to turn a serious point into personal abuse Kathy .
A little rich coming from you, don't you think? If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
I suggest you re-read the rules on personal abuse- see Ts and Cs at the top of the page.
Ah, I wondered when I would be pointed in that direction. B)

Ardross, could I just respectively remind you, that as a moderator on this forum, I am sure fellow forumites would be expecting you to be setting an example of good behaviour and with no obvious attempts of baiting individuals you may wish to see banned especially as you are not particularly good at it.
It was very predictable wasn't it ? :lol:

Ardross, you have a habit of hanging over this forum like a sea fret :(
Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 23 2006, 06:41 PM
I know how popular The Daily Mail is amongst some of you on this forum, so I thought I would take the liberty of telling you about something they are doing for children's charities if anyone is remotely interested.

Kathy, there is probably no more penicious and misguided paper in the history of Fleet Street than the Daily Mail. It is they, and not The Sun who have a history shall we say, for vehemently supporting dubious causes, and plumbing depths that even messers Murdoch and Mckenzie couldn't imagine

With respect, I would like to take the liberty of telling you about their history. Perhaps you'd be so good as to enter the name Princess Stephanie Hohenlohe-Waldenburg- Schillingfurst into google. You might like to stick Rothermere Hitler in as well. If you dig around a bit deeper you'll uncover the tip of the iceberg as certain papers have been de-classified now. You won't find it in the Mails archive any longer, all the support, glorification and congratulations have been airbrushed, though accounts of their publication exist elsewhere.

You see when people insinuate that there is an air of Nazi sympathy about the paper, most people probably don't realise just how close to the truth they literally are.
Warbler, this country is noted for its free speech and would you believe we can actually buy which newspaper we like.
There are approx 2.3 million daily sales and would you believe that some of their readers can actually make up their own minds as to the accuracy of what is reported.
I buy the Daily Mail every Saturday and I don't need people telling me what I should and shouldn't buy, I get pissed off of people taking a superior line and being judgemental just because they buy a certain newspaper.

I'm surprised that Daily Mail readers are not included in the forums rules as being undesirables.
Originally posted by Lee Chater@Dec 25 2006, 10:19 PM
I'm surprised that Daily Mail readers are not included in the forums rules as being undesirables.
Heaven forbid, :o its the Daily Mail, let's not forget who contributed to, and campaigned for the creation of a master race and the elimination of undesirables. I take no lectures from them on the subject. :lol: In their owns words, in a letter to Von Ribbentrop in 1939 (now de-classified)

"Our two great Nordic countries should pursue resolutely a policy of appeasement for, whatever anyone may say, our two great countries should be the leaders of the world."

Shortly before Rothermere had written to Hitler:

"My Dear Führer, I have watched with understanding and interest the progress of your great and superhuman work in regenerating your country." ......."I have always felt that you are essentially one who hates war and desires peace."

Curious that the Mail's proprietor should address a letter to Hitler as "My Dear leader" :confused:

I wonder how many of these 2.3M readers who can make their own minds up, are remotely aware of the papers history?
Remind me of the British history Warbler and I wonder how many of those who are desperate to get onto this island are aware of it ?