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Christmas Children's Appeal

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Warbler - I didn't say YOU were pontificating about the evils of prostitution! I said that red tops had a hypocritical attitude to (pontificating about the evils, etc.) when they slapped pin-up girls on their pages at the same time, in order to attract a certain 'readership'. You need to re-read that bit.

Okay, I get what you mean about almost wholly politically-slanted publications and mainstream ones. I know you're very hot under the collar about the Mail's background, but you have to ask yourself whether any of the other 'popular' papers are any better in the 'drip feed' of their chosen propaganda? I don't think there's as much as a cigarette paper between them, personally.

Still, at least we have the choice of all sorts of viewpoints, rather than relying on a single organ permitted by the government, called 'Truth'! :lol: When we do get to that point, I'm off over Beachy Head.
You may have noticed that from time to time that I am critical of the Daily Mail. This is because, though far from alone, it leads in the field of a type of journalism that I can't abide. Let me give you a mythical example - I'm sure that if you haven't recognised it in the past you will in the future.


Brown To Introduce Congestion Charge Nationwide


"As if we didn't have enough stealth taxes emanating from number 11 Downing Street on a daily basis, now it seems that there could be plans to introduce throughout the nation a congestion charge similar to Red Ken's London imposition on the motorist.

Professor Norman Chuckabutty of Liverpool University, interviewed on Radio Merseyside yesterday, said that his students had conducted a study which showed that the environmental effects of a nationwide congestion charge tolls on all of our motorways could possibly reduce carbom emissions by more than the 2.5% a year to which the government is committed.

You can be sure that the Treasury will now be examining the Liverpool report with a view to imposing further hardship on the motorist and adding to the milions of pounds collected via speed cameras.

A spokesman for the Department of Transport denied that there were any such plans and claimed when tackled by the Mail that he had never even heard of Professor Chuckabutty."

Then over the following weeks their columnists will refer to the "proposed new stealth tax" and "even more persecution of the poor motorist."

While the above is pure fantasy it is representative of the worst kind of tabloid journalism and examples can be found every week.

However to attack today's Daily Mail over its editorial policy in the 1930s is wrong - unless you are a believer that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the heads of the children, even unto the third and fourth generation.
"However to attack today's Daily Mail over its editorial policy in the 1930s is wrong - unless you are a believer that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the heads of the children, even unto the third and fourth generation. "

Finally Clive, I'm sure you'll accept that the Daily Mail were hardly unique amomgst the media in campaigning over Stephen Lawrence

It kicked the campaign off and followed it up far more aggresively than any other media outlet

Even as a non reader i remeber that. It named the killers and invited them to sue

Obviously with the suspects BNP links the Mail made a major mistake letting its own side down there

Or was this all part of some "conspiracy"? Dont answer that... please
The only paper i can think of taht has in recent times published opinion pieces froma racist and genocidal organisation is the Guardian

A Al Quaida operative was found to be contributing to the Guardian in the comments page. The Guardian naturally said it was unaware but at same time refused to apologise

ill find a source for this if anyone wants, but it was a running feature in Private Eye