Class of 2009


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Couldn't see a topic on this but apologies if there is one - I'm tired!

Big bay filly by ISHIGURU ex PETROVNA 03.00. Up and sucking fine - first foaling I've missed since 1991 - mare doesn't wax up and eats calmly til just before first push. Doing nothing at just after midnight - foal on deck three hours later. Saved me some zzzz'z !!

Thrilled to bits as I'm off to Chelford on Thursday - we're selling two bulls - and I couldn't go last year because of foaling and I can now go without having to worry.
Best off selling the bulls. You might see paints being turned out these days, but pretty sure their bovine cousins aren’t eligible under Rules… well done though. :)
Four to foal this year but the other three are all due in April. Due to the economic climate, I am definitely not covering BARRANTES as she's getting late, SONGSHEET always goes 2 - 3 weeks over, so I don't expect a foal from her before mid May and she will be too late to cover.OCEANICO DOT COM - the jury is out on her - I'd like to cover her if she foals down early April OK but need to find decent stallion at right fee for her as she needs a proven horse this time. BERTOLINI would be an option.

PETROVNA is being retired - she's off to live with Troods post weaning!

RUNS IN THE FAMILY is moving to Hedgeholme Stud.

The most important foal of the lot, out of the cob mare, Mags, is due end June.... :cool:

And Miller - there's probably more money in them thar paint 'orses than there is in Tbreds...
Well done Songsheet. I like this stallion also. :)

We're having a quiet year too, not foaling anything at home this time. Have already had a colt by Cadeaux Genereux and a filly by Haafd. As not foaled at home will not see them for awhile yet.
Songsheet and co...have you heard are many in the same boat as yourself i.e not sending mares to stallions this season as might not have been the case in previous years?

Kildangan and Coolmore are reportidly much quieter than usual and it has resulted in staff being let go and farms not opening.