Class of 2009

Yes, I believe quite a few people are being careful what they breed this year. Which may, of course, result in those that do take a punt this year being OK as fewer foals are born in 2010 but I still reckon there will be too many for the number of probable buyers - the recession is global after all.

If we just took a straw poll of those on here - I've cut back dramatically, I believe Kathy is not breeding one of hers, and a couple of people I know have come out of breeding altogether this year. If SONGSHEET had been due earlier, without doubt we'd have bred her back again but she's really the only one other than OCEANICO that there would be a good reason to do so. Looking at it logically, I reckon it will be very likely I'll leave OCEANICO empty too and get an early start next year if I can still afford to!

Sorry, Trackside, I missed your post - the other three are due to:

SONGSHEET i/f COMTON PLACE (full sibling to MONSIEUR BOULANGER which is good)
BARRANTES i/f COMPTON PLACE (full sibling to PLACE THE DUCHESS which may not be...)
OCEANICO DOT COM i/f TRADE FAIR (could be dodgy!! First 2yos this year)
No worries, Songsheet. Best of luck with all of them.

Any idea what the story is with Fareer by the way? Looked potentially decent last year, but not seen out since July.
He had a bit of a setback - they are saying sore shins but I have been told it was a bit more than that!

Latest on him is that he is back cantering and maybe he can come out and improve on last year if he's sound, of course. Just hoping he's like his dam but with a bit more class - she just got tougher and improved more as she raced on.

I do know his lass idolises the horse !
I'm not, Skyliner - I used to work with Andrew yonks ago and he's having the mare from now on. I would guess she'll go to Rob Roy.
Rob Roy looked well when I saw him up at Donny recently - not as well as Lucarno, but well!

You've turned into bit of a part-timer with only the one foaling now, haven't you?! :p Babbies everywhere round here, halfway through lambing and pretty much finished calving.
We cut back half last year as saw things getting tougher and wanted to be able to have fewer staff. Retired one older mare, sold two in foal and gave one away. Might sell another one in foal later this year.
You've turned into bit of a part-timer with only the one foaling now, haven't you?! :p Babbies everywhere round here, halfway through lambing and pretty much finished calving.

Pah - just calm before the storm - when we get back from Chelford, we've three pedigrees to calve in a week or so, then two recips at the end of this month, beginning April and then the three mares... April looks like it will be a short on zzzzs month :(