Cleeve Hurdle

Because I'm a bit dyslexic, especially over names.

I "see" the name photographically, and what I see first time tends to stick in my mind, often incorrectly [people as well as horses :P as you have noticed and remarked on before]. I can 'see' the horse/trainer/jock in my mind ie I have the right one, but the wrong name gets attached.

That's mainly why I'm always editing posts btw, I see them come up and immediately spot I've got all the letters mixed up...! or got the wrong name...

Also I used to have a partner in my book business whose surname was Ingles! And Wylie said it was pronounced in the same way as my partner's, ie emphasis in the first syllable and the other almost 'tailed off'

Will try to correct it in future, thanks for pointing that out. Don't want to 'disrespect' the horse
Seems that the commentators must be dyslexic too coz they all pronounce his name Ingles like shingles.
Inglis sounds so much better imo
When I was young, our next door neighbour had a cousins whose surname was Inglis. It was pronounced to rhyme with shingles, but without completing the 'g' sound in the middle: 'Ing-lz'.

I'm not sure whether that amounted to lazy West of Scotland pronunciation, though.