

On a break
May 7, 2007
late 1960's early 70's
are very

it's not worth anyone posting here unless you are in with the "crowd"

it's like being invisible

sorry to mention it..but it's been on my mind a while

just my opinion

probably won't get a response anyway
I'll respond EC1

It's something I often used to find and it certain areas it still is, however many are just a bit tongue in cheek and its best not to take to heart.

Some stand out like a sore thumb but keep on posting and always state your beliefs, even if no one agrees, its your own opinion and that counts for more than anything, never go back on what you feel.
thanks Chris

I weren't having a go at anyone..just a bit frustrating sometimes

it might be worth taking on board though as new members are lifeblood of a forum..and to be honest it's quite hard to break into the "crowd" here

this place is no different from other boards..or groups of folk..that know each outsider has to struggle a bit etc

it's just a view I thought you guys should know about
I should say perhaps EC, I don't regard myself as part of an 'in crowd' in any way what so ever. I've only met a few of the members on here, and then only very fleetingly, I could probably count them on one hand in honesty. I suppose over a period time you start to build up a sense of familiarity etc You know what buttons to press to generate what response, and who will bite on various subjects, but for the most part, 99.5% of my correspondance/ interaction remains strictly cyber. Indeed I can only imagine what some of them look like, but over a period of time you build up an idea based on little nuggets they leave. I rarely get into hate or even dislike mode with it (frustration, and disapproval from time to time? yes - but that's different). God I can even put up with my old sparring partner from the general chit chat threads. I must admit though, I spent about 6 - 9 months watching the dynamics and interactions before getting involved
Most forums, whether racing-orientated or not, can seem a little cliquey at times. This one is about average, I'd say. Trf is similar, no worse no better, but with a twist: whenever Ms Hislop turns up, as she does occasionally, the masturbatory rush of gentlemen posters thinking that she's physically there wanting to be their friend can be quite embarrassing.
Can seem a bit cliquey from time to time, but I have always found that if you have a point to make, and are prepared to make it in a logical manner, that you will stimulate debate/discussion..
I cant agree mate WAS very much a clique! on here prior to the exodus.. but I am speaking as one of the original members of this forum....

But please don't stop here... tell us more, I personally do not belong to any clique!
and post as an individual with no other member either backing me or me them ...

I stand alone and always have on the racing boards that I am a member of and have done so in excess of 12 yrs now..............
I am happy to announce that an ECM (Extraordinary Clique Meeting) last night the following members have been elected forthwith.


The following members have been elevated to stage 2.


Welcome aboard, Lads.
EC1 - I think you need to move to a more fashionable part of London- if you were WC1 perhaps they'd take more notice :D

7, Holland Park Mews
London W11
Holland Park,
Holland Park, W11

This truly stunning top floor, two bedroomed split-level apartment offers contemporary living with state-of-the-art fittings and features throughout, amazing 44'9 reception room and a private roof terrace.

So you live in a loft conversion?

MOTION - Mounty elevation to Stage 4 be suspended for 12 months and he be returnded to the gutter (the lowest level, especially of society: Final Furlong Racing)
It's something I often used to find and it certain areas it still is, however many are just a bit tongue in cheek and its best not to take to heart.

Spot on Chris.

To be honest I am not sure what else can be done to remove the "cliquey" label that has come with this forum in the past. I think a couple of years ago it might well have been valid or had some foundation but not anymore. The forum has done it's bit, now its up to the individual members to pull their socks up, be brave and get stuck in.
This board was *very* cliquey when I joined c18 months ago but it's much less so now. I think the Irish form a kind of 'clique' simply because they are knowledgeable about racing over there and can exchange views o nit with more fluency than the rest of us, also they 'talk the same language' which is natural, But it's not something they set out to be, or I don't feel it to be so. [And if I may say so here, the Irish input to this board is its one outstandingly valuable characteristic]

As for the rest of us, it's easy for any of us to get a persecution complex sometimes - I get one myself when I'm being jumped on - but just because a few of us agree {or disagree} with one another more often than not, doesn't make any of us a clique! I certainly don't feel part of one, and I don't think any members I've met do either - we are all individuals. Some of us even cordially LOATHE one another.

So ease up on the paranoia EC: if we all disagree with you it's not because we're ganging up to push you out - it's because you're talking ballocks :laughing: Which as Rory points out you don't do all the time. On the other hand, I can count the members on the fingers of one hand who don't talk ballocks some of the time....... So everyone else jumps on them

By the way, one reason you've been getting stick this week, or teased rather, is that you have a terrible propensity to just keep repeating yourself if people disagree with you. We ain't stupid, we heard you the first time - but people are entitled to disagree!


I'm going to watch out for that repeating mesen stuff Headstrong
I'm going to watch out for that repeating mesen stuff Headstrong
I'm going to watch out for that repeating mesen stuff Headstrong
I'm going to watch out for that repeating mesen stuff Headstrong


I can see where you are coming from.
I think the Irish form a kind of 'clique' simply because they are knowledgeable about racing over there and can exchange views o nit with more fluency than the rest of us, also they 'talk the same language' which is natural, But it's not something they set out to be, or I don't feel it to be so. [And if I may say so here, the Irish input to this board is its one outstandingly valuable characteristic]

..and a delightfully eccentric little clique it is too.