Congratulations David Pipe

Good luck to him - I remember sending an e-mail enquiring into the well-being of Celestial Gold and he replied personally - nice touch.
We don't go racing a lot but, whenever we do go we've noticed that he's always the first to shake the hand of those who win. Always strikes us as a really pleasant fellow. Going back a few years, had a lovely letter from his mum when I wrote to the stable about Sabin du Loir.
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Yes, I noticed that on a few occasions, Moehat - a charming, gentlemanly gesture. Good manners - a bit of a rarity in many other sports. And talking about good behaviour - anyone watching Lingfield's NH card today may have seen the last-flight fall of SONUS WELD, 6 y.o. grey mare not successfully gracing any races in the UK so far. She lay spark out, Andrew Glassonbury getting the saddle off and looking as if he'd walk back, then after ages the screens, and AG back to see her.

Before she was obscured by screens, three or four chaps near to me on the stands began calling out "Come on, old boy, come on" (okay, it'd should've been "old girl", but Gray and Keys are fresh in the memory). After several minutes, the screens parted and she rose to their delighted shouts, and our applause. They weren't connected to her in any way, but what struck me was how many people watched keenly to see if she'd be all right (absolutely, just winded) and showed clear delight when she got up. Truly added to the day's outing for me.
I have a lot of time for David Pipe, always very friendly and humble, almost surprised about his successes. I've been to the yard a few times and they are very proud of their horses and all are well cared for.

I was really pleased for this latest achievement for them.

This is indeed nice to witness Kri, especially when it had a happy ending. I have sadly seen a few idiots on the track who have booed a fallen horse or jockey.
I have a lot of time for David Pipe, always very friendly and humble, almost surprised about his successes. I've been to the yard a few times and they are very proud of their horses and all are well cared for.

I was really pleased for this latest achievement for them.

This is indeed nice to witness Kri, especially when it had a happy ending. I have sadly seen a few idiots on the track who have booed a fallen horse or jockey.

When Our Vic got up from his last fence fall at Cheltenham in the Tripleprint a few years back after the screens had been up for ages there was an almighty cheer that was as loud as for the winner .
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