Congratulations Songsheet!

Do you actually watch them breed songsheet? fascinating job and whats the money like?
Thanks everyone for the good wishes !
He is as handsome as FAREER - but he is a very rich dark bay/brown horse with no white at all

Can agree, met him as a youngster and thought he was a stunner. Reminded me of chocolate, and as I am addicted to the stuff I had a very soft spot for him! :lol:
I was at Lingfield today when David Feek came in. He's done a full circle, careerwise, having started out as an assistant to Ed Dunlop, gone on his own, gone out to Australia for a few years, and is now back as... an assistant to Ed! Had a nice chat with him about FAREER, and pleasingly he ate up well, was sound and absolutely fine after his race. He did mention his tendency to try to gnash his colleagues while galloping at exercise - fortunately, that hasn't turned into a full-on MOONAX-like attack while racing! The yard is very pleased with him indeed.