Cue Card

If you want to look for a comparison how about Tony McCoy. Before this season what happend to the potentially best hurdler and chaser that he had sat on? They were killed. Did that make McCoy a negative on Binocular or would it on future potential stars?
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Hang on, Treetangle seems to be backtracking here. Now, as I have said, I fully agree that if I had a lovely young horse I wouldn't let Tizzard ride it but I questioned not that, but the assertion that he's not ridden a horse of that quality before. On being questioned, Treetangle backtracks and says he meant a speed horse over two miles, on it being pointed out to him that he's won a Tingle Creek - and an Arkle - on a future Champion Chase winner and that he rode See More Business (a horse who could raise a serious gallop) we have more backtracking to say he meant a 2m hurdler. Please Treetangle, make up your mind without moving goalposts! By all means say you don't like the idea of Tizzard riding the horse (who would?!?!?) but speaking claptrap doesn't help your case. Oh and incidentally, it's not that often that a bumper horse goes on to become a speed horse over 2m anyway.
Im struggling to think of the last bumper winner to go on and win the supreme the following year. Montelado?
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Amazing how you always assume the bumper winner should go for the supreme when your point is obvious that they are rarely speed 2 mile horses. Food for thought for Dunguib followers.
Now thats my kind of pub game! Sorry for side tracking but did Dato Star run in the Supreme? My phone wont load all his form on the RP site.
Hang on, Treetangle seems to be backtracking here. Now, as I have said, I fully agree that if I had a lovely young horse I wouldn't let Tizzard ride it but I questioned not that, but the assertion that he's not ridden a horse of that quality before. On being questioned, Treetangle backtracks and says he meant a speed horse over two miles, on it being pointed out to him that he's won a Tingle Creek - and an Arkle - on a future Champion Chase winner and that he rode See More Business (a horse who could raise a serious gallop) we have more backtracking to say he meant a 2m hurdler. Please Treetangle, make up your mind without moving goalposts! By all means say you don't like the idea of Tizzard riding the horse (who would?!?!?) but speaking claptrap doesn't help your case. Oh and incidentally, it's not that often that a bumper horse goes on to become a speed horse over 2m anyway.

A very poor effort in trying to dig yourself out of hole only to find yourself in a bigger one. No backtracking at all and the only claptrap has come from yourself in somehow thinking that a two and three mile chaser were comparable to a runaway Festival bumper winner. What you are actually saying is you couldn't come up with any two mile hurdlers so all you can do is come up with a cheap insult to try and deflect from your own lack of knowledge. As regards the progression of bumper winners you presumably have never heard of the likes of Morley Street, Granville Again, Flakey Dove.

Best of luck.
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Lack of knowledge???? Look in the mirror, sunshine. The only one digging holes around here is you; backtracking and changing your argument to try and suit your initially ridiculous assertions. Now, do us all a favour, grow a set and admit that you made a tit of yourself by coming out with a stupid comment rather than throwing your toys out of the pram.

Looks like we've got another one come back, fellas.