Daily Express

prince regent

May 2, 2003
are there any daily express readers on the forum.

I used to like this paper very much especially when peter o sullivan was amongst its racing team

the stable tours of the flat season were always worth waiting for

but now itsd obsession with princess dis death and conspricy theories on the front page every day i find painful is it they cant afford to employ a reporter to find a decent story for the front page

it seems on its last legs to me
This is the self-proclaimed "Worlds Greatest Newspaper"

how can they get away with an unsubstantiated claim like this is ridiculous, and i couldnt agree more about the ridiculous obession with Diana,
It used to be a marvellous paper in the days it was owned by the Beaverbrook family. My first job was at the Daily Express in Fleet Street where I worked for 6 years. I still have some good friends who still work there!!

Unfortunately I do not read it today as if I need to read light hearted and often inaccurate stories I can always read the Daily Mail that my wife has delivered.

It is a shame as it was a great paper in the late 60s and 70s and had a fantastic circulation along with it's sister papers the Sunday Express and the Evening Standard. If my memory serves me correctly the circulation of the DE was over 4 million in those days.