Day 4 Bets

I'm confused. I'm pretty sure when I backed Protek Des Flos JJ Slevin was jocked up on it.

I'd no idea it was a non-runner so I'm wondering at which point he was booked for the winner.
Because he's the "worst horse I own" a "a dud".

"But he's just won at the festival".

"Yeah, ". pffftt... " I suppose"

Worst thing is I'd already backed the Game Changer after backing Le Prezien this morning and he says he's got no chance.

Wylie, JP and even Ricci put this classless prick to shame

People would give a right testicle to have a winner at the festival.
I'm rowing in for a final flourish on Theinval. Nicky to win the race named after his father.

No doubt the only favourite I haven't backed today will win.
O'leary - what a c**t. His horse wins and he slags him off nonchalantly

That is just O' Leary's way -he has a herd of pedigree cattle -and he talks them down as the only loss making herd of pedigree cattle in Ireland.I think it's his way of deflecting praise.
My closest colleague has dealt with him in two previous jobs and says he is always very decent to people at the bottom of the ladder.