They’ve wrecked the proposal of Tim Yeo, MP, to advance daylight saving by one hour throughout the year — for England.
Poor Mr Yeo (who had drawn second place in the Private Member’s Bill ballot, and stood a real chance of getting it through) saw his Energy Saving (Daylight) Bill filibustered into extinction by a small tartan army, angry that we in England might decide our own time zone.
Yeo won the argument, though. Children would no longer have to come home from school in the dark. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said the proposal could save 100 lives a year, mostly through reduced road accidents. Everyone would get an hour extra of light in the late afternoon in winter. The National Union of Farmers said a later dawn didn’t matter to most modern farmers. There would be a big reduction in national energy consumption. And Yeo was proposing only a three-year trial.
Nor was he trying to foist the change on the rest of the United Kingdom. His Bill provided for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to ignore England’s lead or follow it, as they chose.
From the Times today
As one who is fed up with being on a different time zone to europe (cos of business contact and travel) and would welcome more lighter evenings...there is yet another reason why i cant wait for the end of the union.....