Death Row.......Last meal?


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
Your meal cannot cost more than £30, no alcohol.

What would you choose before the Lethal Injection?
Crayfish Cocktail, whole meal bread roll, Chicken Madras, Mushroom Pilau Rice, Peshwari Naan, Salted Caramel cheesecake, Huge bar of Galaxy, pot of tea
Didnt know who she was

My google must be playing up because all is get is a bland plastic looking blonde with a boring face
well frankly if we are talking eating, not an area that i really like to venture into

I just hope for the rest of you she uses andrex bum wipes or hasnt a dose of gastroenteritus
I'd have king prawn cocktail to start, proper roast dinner - rib of beef, home made Yorkshire pud and I'd have to be allowed to do the roast potatoes. And fresh garden peas. Pudding would be Eton mess :)
Chicken and Mushroom pot noodle with three slices of heavily buttered bread. And the balance of the £30 left on a big cuban cigar.
Roast dinner for me as well with a crusty bread roll.
Blackcurrant cheesecake and a glass of Ribena
Order the fillet and stab the server to death with the steak knife. You'll at least buy enough time to see Grasshopper make a tool of himself in the Champion Hurdke thread.