Deja Vu?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Katchit...cut to 5/1 for the Champion Hurdle after todays win? Detroit City all over again, and I am not sure Katchit is as "good" as Detroit City was.
He battled back well, he looked cooked up the straight, possible that Degas Art finds little though I find that hard to believe after his Aintree win last November. Does look reminiscent of Detroit City though Gal. I wouldn't want to be taking that short a price about any 4/5yo winning the Champion Hurdle.
Katchit surprised me all last season but 5/1 is ludicrous, such a long way to go and he hasn't even taken on a horse over the age of 4 yet!
Originally posted by Galileo@Oct 28 2007, 05:40 PM
Katchit...cut to 5/1 for the Champion Hurdle after todays win? Detroit City all over again, and I am not sure Katchit is as "good" as Detroit City was.
No, Katchit has never been as good as Detroit City is, or was. He is far better than that ungenuine creature and will show the doubters that as the season progresses.
.....and he hasn't been ruined by a run in the Cesarewitch!!

Six and two threes really ~ it's a skinny price but the historical gap between 4yo's and their elders is (in my view) being eroded and Katchit is going to be a genuine contender. He has such a wonderful attitude and the hill at Cheltenham is made for him.
Interesting to note Alan King and Norman Williamson took different views on the ride on Degas Art, Norman saying he thought the jockey didn't help the horse by choosing to run up the inside of the Mann horse before belatedly switching back alongside Katchit on the run in which is where he should have gone in the first place whilst Alan King said the jockey made a major error in joining Katchit because in a head to head with Katchit there is only going to be one winner.

I'm very much in the "five year olds don't win Champion Hurdles" camp and lets face it he hasn't taken on the older horses yet so I reckon all this hype is just that at the moment.We heard all this about Penzance.

According to Alan King his next race will be in the Fighting Fifth at Newcastle and his performance there will dictate what his targets are for the rest of the season.
I'm also very much in the camp that five year olds struggle against their elders and always have been - however I am convinced that this horse is a freak.

Yes, 5/1 at this stage is a mad price - I got on at 10/1 in March and have him in an each way doub with MWDS for the Gold Cup. Madness I'm sure but I was playing up winnings from the Festival!
I suspect he will be found out when he takes on the big boys...why not go straight to the Bula and forget the Fighting Fifth? While alot of the old guard are gone there were some decent two mile novices last year not forgetting Sublimity. Katchit is 5/1....Sublimity is 4/ point difference at this stage? Bookmakers having a laugh...
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Oct 28 2007, 08:19 PM
.....and he hasn't been ruined by a run in the Cesarewitch!!

Weird that it took 5 months and 3 wins for it to ruin him.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt ~ he looked less that genuine when winning the Bula and has arguably gone a bit doggy. While I'm not at all certain that peaking him for a run on the flat in October had an adverse affect on him, it's true that very few horses are capable of being effective at a competitive level on the flat and over timber. It makes the achievements of Sea Pigeon nearly 30 odd years ago all the more noteworthy. He was a proper horse in an age of greatness.
They're targeting the Fighting Fifth as it has the tiny incentive that if he wins that, the Christmas Hurdle and the Champion he earns himself a £1 million bonus. Not to be sniffed at!

Time will tell but I firmly believe Katchit is very, very good - he has the unique combination of being talented, genuine and tough as hell. I think he's bit of a freak, especially for a juvenile emerging into his subsequent season.
Nope - King did actually say he wanted to go for the Bula but that it made sense to go for the bonus, or words to that effect. He said if he's beaten in the Fighting Fifth he may go for the Bula.
I'm with SL and Rory here. I too think Katchit is a freak, even so I was amazed he was able to give almost a stone to Degas Art today, given his size; and I'm sure Alan was right in saying it was a moistake to bring DA alongside Katchit who then knew he had a race on and put his head a bit lower and pulled out that bit more. He's tiny, but all heart and guts - and he really loves racing.

Comparisons with Penzance are wide of the mark; the horse was always a bit 'moody'. Alan was never that bullish about 'Trigger' against the older horses - he knew very quickly the following year that he didn't have a Ch Hurdle prospect. He talks quite differently about this one. He's convinced this horse is the best he's had over hurdles, and is different class - a once in a lifetime horse.

Penzance is in very good order btw and working well, should be out soon. Sometimes horses which have come off the flat and done particularly well in their 4yr old hurdling career spend the next year or two in the doldrums; but they can then come back in their 6/7 year old season. Let's hope he does.
Katchit has totally amazed me as I used to ride him alot at Mick Channon's and in fact he was my regular ride as a 2yo before I left. As a 2yo he was a lazy piece of () and to say he wouldn't work better than a plater was an understatement. He also loved a place and never gave the impression he was a battler.

Having gone back a few times to ride out for Channon's in the early part of last year I actually rode Katchit around May time and he was still pretty lazy and he only decided to walk a bit quicker and wake up when the horses started to walk home (think he knew the picking paddock beckoned). He was a dude and a smashing ride and I remember Channon saying he was gonna school him mid June to wake him up. He did and he won shortly afterwards.

I feel a bit sorry for Tim Corby because he loved the horse as he does all his horses and has had alot of dead wood. i know he wasn't too keen on selling him but he was rated 80 on the flat and was nowhere near an 80 horse.

I remember when he made his debut, I was racing and he beat one of Blockleys. I asked the lass leading him up, hows he been traveling at home and her reply was cant get him on the bridle and laughed.

I think this is the key to why he is so good and that is he thrives from racing and loves his days out and clearly likes a scrap. The fact he doesn't do a tap at home has clearly been his advantage as he stopped himself from getting burnt out at Mick's and now at Alan's.

He really is a little warrior it seems with a good personality. He may not be very big but he was always a little bus of a ride who when a deer split the string in mid winter could carry on walking whilst every other horse was leaping and whipping round.

I hope he does win the Champion as he was a really nice horse and I think his Lethargic attitude is what makes him take so many tough races.

I agree with Dom, I think he is a freak and he reminds me a bit of Istabraq to look at. He is also by my favourite stallion Kalanisi and they all have great attitudes like him and are perfect gentlemen. He must have been a real dude.

5/1 is short but unless we see an unearthed star in the Hurdling ranks this season, he will only get shorter.
got on at 10/1 in March and have him in an each way doub with MWDS for the Gold Cup

I got tens too but your double is looking very good after this weekend

For all those suggesting that Katchit is going to be "found out", can they tell me which piece of form suggests that?
For all those suggesting that Katchit is going to be "found out", can they tell me which piece of form suggests that?

What piece of form allows him to be 5/1 for the Champion Hurdle...only ever raced against 4 year olds. Could be a terrible bunch of 4 year olds. Detroit City supposidly beat an great bunch of four year olds and still couldnt win or be placed in it.
Detroit City supposidly beat an great bunch of four year olds and still couldnt win or be placed in it.

One of whom was beaten a lot further by DC than by the CH winner

I think its pretty obvious to anyone that the DC we saw at the end of the season was not the same horse as before. The Afsoun yardstick is proof enough of that

As for Katchit's seems very short until you look at the others in the market...