Desert Orchid

Has anyone heard from Dessie? he hasn't posted since the 17th of January which is very unusual...hope he's OK

He sends out a regular e-mail to a number of people, with his Saturday selections.

He sent one last Friday so assume he’s okay and he’s probably spending his winnings from Green Book & Castle Robin.
Hi Dessie (if you’re reading this) - I, for one, definitely miss your input - who else is going to put us straight on the ‘Longshot Thread’, particularly on this Saturday’s Betfair? You da’ man on that race, always flagging up a placed outsider. I remember in 2020, you flagged TWO rags where I snaffled the 100-1, and they both finished in the first 5.

I hope you’re back soon, mate. You’re one of the very good guys on this forum.
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We've had our differences but the place just isn't the same without your input.

Whether one agrees with it or not matters not a jot..You were built in with the bricks and hardly a day would go buy you didn't have something to say.

Regular posters like yourslef which have more to say than the odd one liner are hard to comeby.

What on earth is Tommy's Oscar going to do for support if you are not around :)
Hi Dessie (if you’re reading this) - I, for one, definitely miss your input - who else is going to put us straight on the ‘Longshot Thread’, particularly on this Saturday’s Betfair? You da’ man on that race, always flagging up a placed outsider. I remember in 2020, you flagged TWO rags where I snaffled the 100-1, and they both finished in the first 5.

I hope you’re back soon, mate. You’re one of the very good guys on this forum.

The long shot is like a rudderless ship without him…we need our captain back.
We've had our differences but the place just isn't the same without your input.

Whether one agrees with it or not matters not a jot..You were built in with the bricks and hardly a day would go buy you didn't have something to say.

Regular posters like yourslef which have more to say than the odd one liner are hard to comeby.

What on earth is Tommy's Oscar going to do for support if you are not around :)

You could knock me over with a feather...

... Marx Borthers style...

Ok, may a bit of clarification will help.

Euro posted something I found grossly offensive* and I made that plain. My hope was that he would delete it but it hasn't happened. He apologised privately, I accepted and, as far as I am concerned, Euro and I are, in his words, cool and the gang.

My beef is with the mods.

I reported the offensive post and contacted two of the mods privately when nothing happened. Nothing has happened a month later.

So either the mods don't find the post offensive - or don't understand why I do - or are not keeping an eye on things.

I'm therefore deeply uncomfortable posting on a forum where such attitudes are allowed to go unchecked.

I'm enjoying life away from the forum, to be honest, but looking in today I see Reet can't help himself with his agenda against me, which I've never understood to be honest - I've never, ever to my knowledge made any personal comment in his direction - and while Tanlic appears to have accepted the olive branch I offered at the New Year he's still managed to put up a strange reply to granger's questioning of his other remark (post #3 above) in response to wilsonl.

Stay cool all.

* What I found offensive was the conflation of 'ginger' with 'gender' and Scotland.
Would the post have still been there 24 hour later, let alone 24 days, if the gender issue had been in a place like Ireland and someone referred to ginger people as another gender? Or Jamaica and someone referred to some Jamaicans as 'frizzies' as if they were another gender? The place would have gone into meltdown. Rightly.
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The mods are a bit slow to respond but I think webzcas sorted out an issue I reported so possibly worth contacting him. I do agree that we need a team of mods in place who are on here regularly though. 99% of the time the place is absolutely fine but there still needs to be some policing.
Hi Dessie - I have responded to you personally, but the message isn’t showing that the message has been sent!

Anyway, I hope we can all persuade you to stay.

Euro - would you mind deleting the offending message, please. We are all adults here, and should be able to moderate ourselves. A few private words between contributors should do the trick.

All the best,

I'm enjoying life away from the forum, to be honest, but looking in today I see Reet can't help himself with his agenda against me, which I've never understood to be honest - I've never, ever to my knowledge made any personal comment in his direction

If you are seriously enjoying life more off the forum then more power to you, DO.

Re- grudges.

The way I look at forums like this - If you made more friends than enemies in so many years posting you have done well.

A bit like horse racing sometimes you have to try and cherish the good stuff and the good times and friends or memories you made as opposed to over emphiases on one or two posters with grudges.

I have never had a problem with Reet and I am sure he can explain for himself if he so chooses.

As I say...we all know...many posters have enriched these forums over the years that no longer post.

If they are happier doing other things then good for them I say.
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Thanks Marb: there are perfectly reasonable,logical and justifiable reasons for my actions on this forum.
However, in the interests of a peaceful forum, I really have no wish to air them.
Reet, I honestly have not the foggiest idea about what I have done to you on the forum for you to say:

...there are perfectly reasonable,logical and justifiable reasons for my actions on this forum.

regarding me.

I'd be more than happy to exchange PMs or emails with a view to finding out and understanding what I've done.

In the meantime, please allow me to express my sincerest apologies for whatever it may have been and ask you to forgive me.

It must have been some time ago and I genuinely am somewhat perturbed that anyone should bear ill-will towards me for so long, more so that I've no idea what I've done.
Imagine holding grudges on Internet forums.

Who gives a bollocks.

DO, post some winners, again.

Reet keep posting winners.