Desperate Housewives - Last Shows

And I'm sure she likes you too, sweetie.....

....however, she might not like the state you tend to leave your house in...... ;) :lol:
Yeah, but that's the whole point of having a Bree around - you could be a total slommock and she'd spend the whole day ditzying around, tidying, cleaning, and then preparing a delicious 3-course dinner with the 'right' wine (obviously, Blossom Hill). Hmm... y'know, I might marry her myself! :lol:
Whaddya mean, not interested in boudoir activities?????? I haven't had it for so long now I've nearly forgotten what it's like.... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Originally posted by PDJ@Jun 3 2005, 08:34 PM

You'd have to behave though! I have a very jealous b/f - however he has just told me that K Fallon is "on limits" (ie. I can shag him if I should so wish) now after he won on Yeats so if you're up to a similar feat (that's in the equine rding performance), you may be allowed!
The technical term is revirgination, Mo - and there's a suspiciously golden aura round Shadow these days, which is nothing to do with her use of the less holy spirits!

But I'm now in my dotage, Shads, so it'd have to be something unusually interesting to amuse me now. Or just something unusually amusing!
:lol: - you've got me worried now, Jon - after Brian thinking I'm knocked up, there could be truth after all in the idea that I'm the Madonna reincarnated..... :blink: