Diminuendo's progress

You know, Moderators, I think your renaming of this thread is in pretty poor taste and I would like to request you remove the rather pathetic 'spamming by proxy!!!' jibe, please.
I apologise profusely for not knowing the forum history, every person and their own history. For the sake of repeating myself, those who criticise (& who have been here long enough to be aware of what I am not), have all had the opportunity to moderate, and didn't want to take it on. For the record, I have only seen Diminuendo around the past few weeks (no, I didn't look at profile), and hence plugging of a new member (as she was in my eyes), is something that tends to happen on a lot of forums, and not in a good way.

Some nice photos Diminuendo. Well done on making a living doing something interesting and worthwhile.
No it was me, (as it says, in response to a request) though clearly my attempt to make light of yet another childish spat on a non-issue fell foul of those who think this is too serious. I tend to echo Steve Miller's observation ("soul searching") and that some of you are taking this far too personally and seriously ("poor taste"):lol: get some context for christ's sake.

Pathetic is indeed a word I would use too, but I'd extend it to about 80% of the thread. Clearly the rename was a response to Dim and the bracketed appendage (because our IT doesn't allow emoticons to figure in a title) was just me taking another swipe and passing a veiled comment on yet another silly argument.
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Oh dear god :confused:

Congratulations Tracy, I've always enjoyed looking at your photo's & it is your fault that I decided to go & buy a decent camera in the first place,
It is therefor also your fault that my bank balance is a lot lower than it was before camera/books/lens, new camera/books/lens etc etc ........................................................................................
................................................ :lol:
Well done Tracy - I had no idea about your good news until I read this thread (you are far too modest!) so its a pretty good job it was started I guess?
I have sent a pm to one mod on here about having this thread deleted as it offends them so much. It wasn't my idea to have a thread about my work, but as it is directed at me I would like it removed. So just how long does it take to get a reply around here?:whistle:
Yes, forget all the sh*te. It's great news for Dims. Well done that woman.

If I ever need a photographer who can work the miracle of making me look passable I know whom to ask...
Great, thanks to this story breaking theres no chance of McCoys 3000th winner being truly recognised. I think Duminuendo should be suspended from the forum pending an investigation.
Well, thanks TH Moderators - great job on pissing on Diminuendo's parade as can be evidence from her comments above.

Two other virtually identical posts on racing forums are attracting nothing but positive comments, so that in itself says a lot more about TH than anything I can add.

Moving on........
I'm pretty sure the issue has been cleared up. I don't think the issue is about people on this forum being less happy for Dimuendo or something BTW, Songsheet. I'm sure all of the members would agree that it is brilliant for any member of the forum to be recognized. I also think you need to stop taking this so personally.
Great pics Tracey. The boring rants about whether your should be congrautated shows why this forum has lost its edge and gone down hlill cf the racingforum. A shame, but, alas, very true.