Dog Lovers Out There

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kathy
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Barney has very sore pads on his feet. They havel cracked and he has licked them raw.

Does anyone know what I can put on them (back feet) to stop him nibbling them away to little sore stubs? shrug::

Some sudocrem and a pair of old socks for a few days Kathy, might take a while if they're raw. Hope this helps.
I was wondering about the socks, and need to check out the sudocream. I'll give it a go! Thanks :)
You can buy little doggie socks these days, your local pet shop will have them - keeping them on is another matter! Mini elastic bands might help, the sort they use on bunches of watrercress...

In these circumstances I boil up some rosemary in an old pan, and dip the paw into the cold 'rosemary tea' as often as possible, 4/4 times a day anyway - this stops the paws getting infected and helps healing. I also use an antiseptic cream - aloe vera gel would be good, or just Savlon or any kind of herbal cold cream from your health food shop, or Bach Rescue Remedy - anything really to keep the pad from drying and splitting.

It should heal up quite fast - if not, get an antiboitic shot at the vets but I doubt you'll need it esp if using the rosemary. If he won't stop licking the cut pads, try pounding up some dried rosemary and sprinkling that on when you've put the cream on - he won't like the taste and it's very antiseptic.
Barney literally ate his feet last night and did a green sick this morning, so went to vets who has given him antibiotics!

Thanks for your advice everyone! :)
Yes you'll need to be careful, as there's a fair chance his bacteria-rich mouth could infect his raw pads if he nibbles them too much. My vet recommended bathing with warm salty water for sore pads.

Dogs saliva is very antiseptic, which is why they don't get gangrene [unlike foxes] from their injuries, and can eat rotting meat without it killing them! - and lick their own or one another's bums. If you have a cut or anything, you can let a dog lick it as much as you like :suspect:

Bathing cut pads with rosemary infusion will sting less than salt water and will be even more disinfecting. It's the chewing though which is making the situation worse - have you got an 'Elizabethan collar' Kathy, which will stop him reaching them? Sounds like you need it while they heal over again. The vet should be able to lend one, or you can buy them at some vets or pet shops
Sara, vet was brilliant. He gave Barney an injection and the pad eating stopped withing a few hours. I have taken him for walks on grass and no road work for a few days just to give his pads a chance to heal. I asked about one of those collars at the vets and they said I could have one IF he continued chewing, but much better if he stopped himself, which he has.

He seems so much better now, and I have printed out this thread for future reference.

Thank again.
I lent my copy of the HERRBAL BOOK FOR FARM AND STABLE to a lady goatherd in Suffolk a few years ago - must get it back!! It's by Juliette de Bairacli-Levy and is out of print, but you can get 2nd hand copies online. She also wrote a book entirely on herbal etc care for dogs.

Some of her recommendations are hard to follow for any but a fanatic, or full-time herbalist; but for simpler things I've always sworn by it. I kept a flock of sheep entirely vet-free on the strength of this book ,also my dogs and cats; and it's particularly good for horses so I've been told. Wild, farm and stable animals are much closer to the wild than we are and respond to alternative medicine much more readily.

Click on this link for a list of her titles