Doncaster Sales

Yes darling, that's the point - I walked away from it, not interested. Strangely enough the catalogue didn't mention that he had a twisted leg. Funny that.

Now, did you have anything worthwhile to say? I thought not.

Isn't there something in the forum rules about trolling?

People resort to patronizing when the arguement is lost, quod erat demonstrandum.
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You've lost me there tetley - was there an argument to be lost?

Oh, I see - the horse didn't have a twisted leg, I imagined it. D'oh! When a man of your vast experience tells me so, without even seeing the horse (such genius!) I really must know not to question. I know nothing, again!

Tell me, did you actually have something to say or are you going to go round the houses all day?
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AHe has been running on the flat over trips of around 1m2f and is still a maiden, I was more interested in him to turn away for a while then try a bumper since he pedigree suggested he had a good chance of getting the trip.
I didn't think you could run in a Bumper once the horse had run on the flat? :confused:
I wouldn't be certain, but it might have something to do with running under rules?

Something tells me that Ms leader will be along shortly though to put this one to bed (so to speak)
He was unraced when I looked at him, Simon. As I said in my post, he hadn't even left the Darley pre-training yard to go into training at the time. It is since he was sold at that sale that he has been running on the flat.
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Just call it a guess Flame - but I reckon if Ms leader wanted us to know the name of the horse, she'd have told us :ninja:
Seems pretty silly to me, slating the purchase of a horse for x amount of money but then not saying what the horse is. They have made an assessment of the horse and stated it publicly. But by not saying its name doesn't give the chance to people to see how the horse has done or does do. Not sure why she wouldn't say what the horse was, if she was confident of it continuing to do nothing, as she says herself its only been finishing mid div in maiden's.
I'm not slating the purchase of the horse in the slightest, and yes, it was Antipodean. I hadn't named him as I was just using him as an example; there was no subterfuge about it nor any attempts to hide the animal in question. And no, I haven't anywhere said that I'm confident of it continuing to do nothing; quite the contrary. I think that once he has been given time to mature, he will be ok. You really must read posts Flame - as I said, I like the horse! I think he was a good animal to buy as well. What I said is I looked at him with a view to turning him out and probably trying bumpers with him despite the slight stamina doubts I reckon he'd have had a big chance in juvenile bumpers where he'd be about the most stoutly bred animal running in one! I used this horse as an example that you can buy nice horses from Darley, ones that are generally big and backward. I only mentioned how he'd been performing because Simon was peppering me with questions.

So please disabuse yourself of this ridiculous notion that I have slated the purchase of the horse for x amount - Jesus, I haven't even mentioned how much he went for, nor have I slated the horse, nor the purchase of him, nor said I am confident of him doing nothing. Read posts before you wade in with stupid comments and imaginings of what people have posted, please.
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Antipodean appears to be the horse the SL's procured. The one with a twisted leg (alleged or otherwise) was probably a bit of red-herring now
Antipodean (who runs in a seller at Redcar today, incidentally) is owned by Jeffrey Green (or at least is listed under his ownership in the RP database).

SL was merely using him as an example of a Darley cast-off that she saw potential in.

As an aside, he certainly does have an interesting pedigree, being out of a half-sister to Deputy Commander.
Fair enough, :lol: put me in the same category as Colin then.:lol:

Fazzled old zimmer framed and senile we are, and unable to follow the fast moving machinations of the Doncaster sales. Last time I call Krizon names for not being able to read properly, but I've got somewhat disorientated too it would appear.
I'm not slating the purchase of the horse in the slightest, and yes, it was Antipodean. I hadn't named him as I was just using him as an example; there was no subterfuge about it nor any attempts to hide the animal in question. And no, I haven't anywhere said that I'm confident of it continuing to do nothing; quite the contrary. I think that once he has been given time to mature, he will be ok. You really must read posts Flame - as I said, I like the horse! I think he was a good animal to buy as well. What I said is I looked at him with a view to turning him out and probably trying bumpers with him despite the slight stamina doubts I reckon he'd have had a big chance in juvenile bumpers where he'd be about the most stoutly bred animal running in one! I used this horse as an example that you can buy nice horses from Darley, ones that are generally big and backward. I only mentioned how he'd been performing because Simon was peppering me with questions.

So please disabuse yourself of this ridiculous notion that I have slated the purchase of the horse for x amount - Jesus, I haven't even mentioned how much he went for, nor have I slated the horse, nor the purchase of him, nor said I am confident of him doing nothing. Read posts before you wade in with stupid comments and imaginings of what people have posted, please.

Sorry I got confused SL, my mistake. I thought it was the Darley horse that you were saying had the crooked leg, sorry.

I saw Antipodean at Southwell earlier in the year and quite liked the look of him also, he ran rather well for a long way, albeit in a weak maiden.
Shadz, just so I can keep up - does that mean you've now got four horses (including ANTIPODEAN)? Just trying to stay up with who's got what, where, and why (although at my advanced age, it's an uphill battle).
No - I haven't bought Antipodean!

Christ on a bicycle, it's not that difficult, is it?! :confused:

First and foremost I was talking - quite clearly I'm sure most people could see - about a horse I saw at last week's Doncaster Sales - after all, that is what this thread was about.

Secondly, on Gamla Stan asking about Darley horses, I gave him some information on what they are like to buy from, whilst giving the example of a type of horse they sell on - like a big, backward unraced 2yo I looked at at a previous Doncaster sale (it was last year).

Considering that we had already gone round the houses with Simon asking how could I think about running in bumpers when it had run and I had already pointed out that it was an unraced two year old when I looked at it, and clearly stipulated that it was a horse I had looked at during a previous sale, I didn't think it was that difficult to understand, myself. :blink:

I've just seen the third page of comments - no worries Flame, I couldn't see why you were criticising me for something I hadn't said! He is a nice horse I think, yes, but I would have done things differently with him and thrown him in a field to mature for at least a year before hopefully taking the bumper route. As it was, I decided that although he had a lot of potential, for now I was better off sticking to horses that were virtually guaranteed to stay decent trips rather than hoping to get one that should stay.
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Are you sure you don't own him SL? He didn't follow you back? Hiding behind the sofa maybe? :D