
I did it last year and raised a few quid and am doing it again. The hardest time I found was the second weekend in January when the novelty was wearing off and the drag of work had returned with a vengeance .
As I get older I find that I don't really enjoy alcohol-would have no problem giving it up for the year with the exception of two nights -Gold Cup night and the Friday of Goodwood/Galway.
I've only recently started drinking again to any extent. I went off it for Lent in February and virtually stayed off it for months.

I won't be doing the dryathlon as i'll be giving the stuff up for Lent again this year.
As I get older I find that I don't really enjoy alcohol-would have no problem giving it up for the year with the exception of two nights -Gold Cup night and the Friday of Goodwood/Galway.

It's funny you should say that - as I get older I find that I am drinking more. And I would have no problem with not drinking just two nights a year.

Amazing coincidence.
I was the other one till I discovered Sainsburys Mulled Wine at Christmas and then found they had it on offer and bought two bottles. Can you have a drink problem after three nights? I'll be ok once the last half bottle is gone; won't drink again till next Christmas.
I have resolved to be off-the-sauce in January - though only insofar as I won't get properly steaming. The occassional glass of plonk with a fillet, or a couple of liquers over a Montecristo Especiale No.3 after dinner, don't count in my view, and are fair game. :cool:
Xmas is like this

"Have a drink".
"Mineral water with lime. Thanks"
"Go on! Have a drink"
"You fcking deaf or something? Mineral water and now fck off"

Or used to be. Big trend away from boozing last few years i feel I don't drink any more at Xmas than any other time of year so I am not going to wear the hair shirt during the worst month of the year

If I have a couple of drinks one day then I won't the next or day after and not until i want a drink . nothing changes that. If you have to be pissed to enjoy yourself then you have a problem
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The thing about dry January or lent (whatever that is) and moustaches in November is that if that's what everyone is doing then no way I'm going to
Me too. Knackered next day. No hangover as such but just sluggish

It is changing though. In business anyway. If when meeting a contact or a client they suggest a drink, then its like "what?" And yet years ago it was the norm.
The amount of time people spend talking about alcohol and how drunk they were and how hungover they are in Ireland and England is bizarre. I don't think people realise how dependant their lives are on alcohol and how many of them are alcoholics without knowing it - getting drunk once or twice weekly is not behaviour considered normal in most countries.
The amount of time people spend talking about alcohol and how drunk they were and how hungover they are in Ireland and England is bizarre. I don't think people realise how dependant their lives are on alcohol and how many of them are alcoholics without knowing it - getting drunk once or twice weekly is not behaviour considered normal in most countries.

I don't see the relevance of this - you wouldn't take another cultural trait, such as, say, wearing a jihab head cover or only eating meat once or twice a week or flying a great big flag outside on your lawn and say "these people just don't realise that their behaviour is not considered normal in most countries".
Well and truly failed.

Feel normal again now thank goodness.....what ever made me try that?
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There are numerous health benefits to drinking whiskey regularly. Not to excess, but keeping a nice flow on daily. Don't do it myself but may do in later life to keep the blood thin!
There are numerous health benefits to drinking whiskey regularly. Not to excess, but keeping a nice flow on daily. Don't do it myself but may do in later life to keep the blood thin!

My father had a heart attack in 2002.First question he asked the doctor when he was ready to go home -could he have a drink.The doctor said the odd whiskey would do no harm -my father interpreted it as drink as much whiskey as you want it's good for you.