Emily Thornberry. Perfect Example of labour

the tweet was bugger all compared to what they have done to their core voter over a number of years...if the tweet told anyone anything new they must have been snoozing for 20 years
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That's a bit of paralysis by analysis. Too much accounting and not enough big picture. Ukip will not win by election levels of voting at the general election because voters think very differently on the big day. That has always been the case.

The SNP used to pick up seats in Scotland in by-elections only to lose them on the big day. Now they are the biggest party in Scotland. I believe that some polls in Scotland post-Labour's disgusting behaviour in the independence campaign, now show that they could lose most of their seats in Scotland. (There is a widespread campaign to "get Labour out of Scotland" in the same way that we did with the Tories when they fucked us over).

Which probably leaves us with a Con-UKIP coalition government next time round.
Latest bookies odds for expected seats after the next election show Labour and Conservative low to middle 280s, LibDem and SNP about 25 each, UKIP about 8, others about 25 with only about 10 Tory sympathetic. I suppose Labour, LibDem and SNP might do a deal but it looks heavy odds on a minority government at this stage. The LibDems are 1/2 to get 21-40 seats and must be about 1/10 in a match bet with UKIP.
Still 6 months to go though and who knows what scandals the press might invent.