Equity release

Wishing you all the best Euro.
I started spitting up blood back in June and so I rang the docs and they said phone an ambulance.that could take 6 hrs I was told so I got myself to hospital and what an ordeal that was,but that's another matter.after being there 24 hrs they said I had blood clots but it wasnt lung cancer and they wanted to do more tests to find if there was underlying problems.
Then it seemed I might have Prostrate cancer but after blood tests and a MRI scan they said it could be an enlarged prostate and I go back in March for another Pee and go test where you pee into a special toilet that measures it.
My bladder doesnt empty properly .I will probably end up having to have a.i think it's called Turps,op.

Might live long enough to see Hewick win the gold cup:thumbsup:
Thins are starting to look up. Not from a betting point of view, I'm losing this flat season again which means unless I turn it around it'll be four (two jumps, two flat) losing seasons in a row. That's never happened before. I'm actually almost level on the tracker horses but the Group races I haven't done at all well on.

Jobwise there's a company called Driive Me who I'm registered with as self employed. A person from Edinburgh for example puts their car up for sale and a dealer in Cambridge buys it - said dealer employs a company to fetch it, that company gives the job to Driive Me who put it on offer for their list of drivers. I've done eight jobs for them. A typical one would be piling up to Glasgow on the 0644 train from Preston, going to Erskine or Leckie, doing a bunch of vehicle checks (just taking pictures really) and driving it to the dealer who has purchased it. A job that long, 200+ miles you're looking at receiving between £100 and £130 but you have to find your own way to the pick up point and home from the delivery point. So for eg, I did job a job from Erskine to Preston a fortnight ago. Beautiful Limited Edition Audi A4 - I got £125 for the work - the train from Preston to Bishopton was £16, it cost me £12 to park my car at Preston station and £5 for a taxi from Bishopton to Erskine. So I made £80 after travelling expenses and food costs. I try and do one job a week, next Monday I'm off to Perth from Blackburn. The trick is the pick up and delivery points must ideally be within walking distance of a railway station.

The Cancer is being monitored, I recently had a blood test and all is good. I think I'm due another Biopsy next year.

And lastly this weekend I start working for Entain. With the Mortgage finished I only need part time work and my contract is for ten hours weekend only based in my local Ladbrokes with possible work at a Corals three miles away if they get short due to staff sickness/holidays. Quite looking forward to it.
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That’s good to know, sun peeping over the horizon for you, Euro. All you need now is for someone to move the winning posts a tad to stop your seconds getting pipped at the post. Keep safe.
A bit of part time work is ideal at this stage/age I reckon. Leaves more time for the better things in life.

Hope all keeps looking up for you.
Thins are starting to look up. Not from a betting point of view, I'm losing this flat season again which means unless I turn it around it'll be four (two jumps, two flat) losing seasons in a row. That's never happened before. I'm actually almost level on the tracker horses but the Group races I haven't done at all well on.

Jobwise there's a company called Driive Me who I'm registered with as self employed. A person from Edinburgh for example puts their car up for sale and a dealer in Cambridge buys it - said dealer employs a company to fetch it, that company gives the job to Driive Me who put it on offer for their list of drivers. I've done eight jobs for them. A typical one would be piling up to Glasgow on the 0644 train from Preston, going to Erskine or Leckie, doing a bunch of vehicle checks (just taking pictures really) and driving it to the dealer who has purchased it. A job that long, 200+ miles you're looking at receiving between £100 and £130 but you have to find your own way to the pick up point and home from the delivery point. So for eg, I did job a job from Erskine to Preston a fortnight ago. Beautiful Limited Edition Audi A4 - I got £125 for the work - the train from Preston to Bishopton was £16, it cost me £12 to park my car at Preston station and £5 for a taxi from Bishopton to Erskine. So I made £80 after travelling expenses and food costs. I try and do one job a week, next Monday I'm off to Perth from Blackburn. The trick is the pick up and delivery points must ideally be within walking distance of a railway station.

The Cancer is being monitored, I recently had a blood test and all is good. I think I'm due another Biopsy next year.

And lastly this weekend I start working for Entain. With the Mortgage finished I only need part time work and my contract is for ten hours weekend only based in my local Ladbrokes with possible work at a Corals three miles away if they get short due to staff sickness/holidays. Quite looking forward to it.

Really pleased for you. Hope the cancer stays at bay. I'm 9 years in and still clear so fingers crossed for you, and toes.xx
One of those driving jobs appeals to me.

I got on really well with the dealer from whom I bought my car and suggested to him that he contact me if he needed anyone to deliver cars for him. He said he'd keep me in mind but he's a small-time dealer (seldom keeps more than 30 cars in stock at any time and they're mainly upmarket ones) and has an established driver. So far he hasn't needed me but phones now and again to ask if I'm still available just in case.