Ex-racehorse at the Olympics


At the Start
Apr 1, 2008
Something that might be of interest to one or two...one of the horses on the Brazilian three-day eventing team is the winning ex-Mick Channon-trained Summon Up Theblood. Over a demanding cross-country track, generally agreed to be the toughest Olympic course since Sydney in 2000, he has just jumped a lovely clear with only 4 time faults to go into sixth place (albeit with some competitors still to go). The commentators have been mentioning his ex-racehorse status so it might encourage one or two more event riders to consider the merits of an ex-tracker.
Can anyone explain to me about the comment re one of the mares competing, that they'd had 'several embryo's from her'? Or did I hear it wrong?
Thanks DG; fascinating stuff. Although can't help but think it must really mess their hormones up!
It doesn't because you can't super ovulate them like you can with say cows. There's no more manipulation with hormones for embryo transfer than for a normal breeding (either AI or live cover).