

At the Start
Jun 2, 2003
As one who has done next to no exercise since leaving school I've recently started swimming. Since stopping smoking I realised I was rather unfit and in need of some regular exercise. In the past I've joined a number of gyms and gone only a copule of times so I thought I would give swimming ago. This week has been brilliant, you can't beat getting into a nice cool pool after the hot day and I think I'm finally starting to feel the benefit. I also noticed today that they offer water polo which is tempting me to give that a try.
I've been swimming a lot lately too - although now that kids have broken up the pool is usually full of irritating screaming kids, not conducive to swimming lengths in peace!
I was playing squash 4 times a week - 2 games a night in the lead up to the world cup but as soon as the first game kicked of I gave it up and took up lager. I can definately feel the difference.
Squash is great fun and the second fastest game I have ever played (behind table tennis).
There are many ways of getting fit, and also different types of fitness

Anaerobic fitness refers to small explosive movements that are usually strength oriented such as weightlifting or racquet sports
Aerobic exercise refers to any type of exercise with repetitive movements, these are usually stamina related such as running, walking, cycling, swimming etc. This is what most people mean when they talk about getting fitter but try to balance the type of exercise you are doing in order to work on all 3 aspects of fitness


the perfect exercise is a balance of all 3 and the best examples of this are martial arts such as karate

Please remember that the most important part about getting fit is doing it safely and not trying to do too much too soon. A proper warm-up and warm-down are vital to joint and muscle health and flexibility.
Since our football season finished at the end of April, I've managed to play cricket twice (batting at 9 and not getting a bowl h:) ) Apart from that it's just been beerobics for me this summer.
you should find a better team, the team i play for always gives everyone a game, the opening bats never get a bowl and vice versa, much more fun for everyone that way
To be really picky Mike, (sorry) anaerobic exercise does refer to the examples you stated, but it is called so as it is exercise that is done without the use of oxygen, not due to the type of exercise that is carried out. Conversely aerobic exercise is named so as it utilises oxygen.
No cricket for me today. Damn horseflies. I can't walk at all and haven't been able to for 2 days.
You are right Dom but I was trying to put it is laymans terms for others to understand, I could have posted my dissertation on aerobic vs anerobic exercise but I didnt want to get too complicated
Fair enough - I just thought that in describing it so your post was a bit misleading as it implied that each term referred to the type of exercise being carried out rahter than whether or not the actions utilised oxygen. It's not really complicated! :D
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jul 22 2006, 03:01 PM
you should find a better team, the team i play for always gives everyone a game, the opening bats never get a bowl and vice versa, much more fun for everyone that way
I play for a company team in a 20-over league. In the past we stood very little chance of winning a game, let alone the league. But this season, we have a strong pool of players to pick from, and our new skipper has picked the players whom he considers the strongest to do the job, both batting and bowling.

I can console myself in the fact that the post-match crack is now excellent because we're winning and I did take a stunning catch last week (against our arch-rivals Victor Chandler :D ), which won play-of-the-day so it's not all bad.
Originally posted by PDJ@Jul 22 2006, 03:06 PM
No cricket for me today. Damn horseflies. I can't walk at all and haven't been able to for 2 days.
Given the weather I've seen in the midlands today, I'm not sure you missed too much !
Fair enough, i play for a casual pub side so we all get a game, so far this season we have used 32 bowlers

if you type remnants cricket club into google that is my team, look for any mention of Mike Jones
Paul is a girl and his ankles swell up like tennis balls if he gets bitten by a fly, and since his hygiene is questionable that is a problem in the summer!!!!
This time the swelling goes from my heel to my knee. OUCHY. I look even more than usual like I have a sumo suit on.
Well i have just started my pre season training for this seasons footy, the thing is though i play for 2 different teams one on a saturday and the other on a sunday so am training at the minute wednesdays and thursdays so am just realising how much eating and drinking i did during the World Cup. :lol:
Well done Tryptych for giving up the smoking and starting to do some exercise. Keep up the good work and if the swimming gets boring, remember that a brisk walk, 20 mins every day... or longer is also very good for you! I started in March and have felt so much better that I do the walk at least twice a day now.

I found gyms boring and full of women in too much lycra and leopardskin and men exercising their egos. I must admit that swimming is something I should do more especially in the summer.

Walking the dog in the countryside come rain or shine is much more rewarding for me. :)
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jul 22 2006, 03:24 PM
Fair enough, i play for a casual pub side so we all get a game, so far this season we have used 32 bowlers

if you type remnants cricket club into google that is my team, look for any mention of Mike Jones
Nine wickets at 9.11 sounds decent enough to me. Your batting average suggests you keep having to 'take one for the team' !

Our company team used to be a pub team, the Pig & Whistle. We took over from the P&W mid-season when they were struggling to fulfill fixtures. At that time, because I just wanted a game, I played for our now rivals, Victor Chandler. Looking through our teams scorebook last week we found the the corresponding fixture for my last season playing for VC, just after our company had taken over the pub team. The VC batsmen remained nameless, bar one. Batting at number 3 was a player called Judas. I can only think that that was the only printable nickname they give me, as I was certainly called worse in the middle !
I always end up going in with 3 balls to go so have to take a swing, went in at number 3 on wednesday and got ran out, all parties agreed that there was a third run there, as evidenced by the fact that i made it to the other end, and 10 yards back towards my end, the other batsman was the BBC weatherman Everton Fox, boo him whenever the chance presents itself please!!!
Originally posted by PDJ@Jul 22 2006, 03:39 PM
I have 39 wickets thus far at 12.9. It is killing me - Mike having a better average!
Console yourself in having taken loads more wickets !

In fact, looking at his fixture list, if he plays every remaining fixture and you don't play another game, you will still end the season with more wickets than him and possibly a better average too ! But I'm sure you won't be reminding him too often if that is the case.
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jul 22 2006, 03:46 PM
I always end up going in with 3 balls to go so have to take a swing, went in at number 3 on wednesday and got ran out, all parties agreed that there was a third run there, as evidenced by the fact that i made it to the other end, and 10 yards back towards my end, the other batsman was the BBC weatherman Everton Fox, boo him whenever the chance presents itself please!!!
The only opportunity I had to don pads this season was our first match. Going in at 9, with one ball to go at the non-strikers end. I told the guy at the other end that he should run whatever happened as I would be backing up halfway down the wicket as the bowler released the ball.

He was clean bowled.