Extinction Rebellion


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
What are your views on these?
Do they have a point?
They seem to have a varied cross section of support.
Surely there's no need to cause as much disruption as they do on bringing environmental issuses to peominence, but at least they seem to be peaceful - unlike hunt sabs who are scum of the earth.
What are your views on these?
Do they have a point?
They seem to have a varied cross section of support.
Apparently, over 10k scientists agree with them. Need more than that to convince Trump there's a problem, though.
Surely there's no need to cause as much disruption as they do on bringing environmental issuses to peominence, but at least they seem to be peaceful - unlike hunt sabs who are scum of the earth.
Are they really, nothing more important than that to you?
There would not be any hunt sabs if the law was obeyed.
Are they really, nothing more important than that to you?
There would not be any hunt sabs if the law was obeyed.

:lol: :lol: Now that is funny. You don't seem to know very much about the masked hunt sab thugs. Why do they wear masks btw?
How come this Greta Thunberg puppet is not criticised for gathering a crowd of 30 thousand to Bristol the other day, if crowds gathering is not the thing to be doing right now? Lots of impressionable kids taking the day off school to be there as well.
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How come this Greta Thunberg puppet is not criticised for gathering a crowd of 30 thousand to Bristol the other day, if crowds gathering is not the thing to be doing right now? Lots of impressionable kids taking the day off school to be there as well.
Shakes head in disbelief!! Gratuitously offensive and poorly informed.
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I think it's fantastic that children are politically aware and feel empowered because of what Greta is doing. Young people are very worried about the future but, as my daughter [teacher with young children of her own] pointed out, they really feel they can do something.
No problem with prople disagreeing with the young lady or with climate change but I think it rather pathetic to just sneer at her and not back up your opposition with any sort of reasoned argument. To call her a puppet or doom goblin is rather juvenile and offensive IMHO.
Young Greta comes across so intense because of her Asperger's syndrome. I do feel a bit sorry for her having to live with that but tend to agree with Piers Corbyn when he summed her up as 'an ignorant, brain- washed child'. Plenty of others agree as well.

Go Google.
I find it rather pathetic that so-called adults can be so insulting and offensive to a child. No need to google. I suspect, unfortunately, that there are many like you and Piers Corbyn. Rather sad.
The clip shows the young lady struggling with a question. And how many times have we seen politicians similarly struggling? The difference is they have the experience to effectively "dodge" the question (or give a "non-answer"). I find it hard to understand how a single 60 second clip can justify calling her a "puppet." If you think she is a puppet then I suggest you provide more compelling evidence than that. Yes, she is clearly influenced by others (aren`t we all?) but, to me, she certainly comes across as her own person.
Whether one likes or dislikes Greta Thunberg and/or her cause, she should really be admired by all: a supremely self-confident diminutive 17 year-old girl somewhere towards the red end of the autism spectrum. 'Self-confident diminutive 17 year-old' is almost an oxymoron, and furthermore her command of English is remarkable

For what it's worth I'm all for her cause but not keen on the way that Extinction Rebellion are going about publicising it: antagonising and disrupting the general public going about their daily chore of earning a crust is self-defeating

However, the engagement of the children she's achieved can only be a positive as they will (hopefully) grow up with a different mind-set to that of the post-war generations who've been fine-tuned to regard rampant materialism and mass-consumerism as a right rather than a bounty to be cherished and indulged in sparingly

A 73 year-old man (Trump) coming over all hurt because a 17 year-old girl won Time magazine's person-of-the year and he didn't is as hilarious as it is pathetic

Good on yer Greta, you scare the oldsters

The carnival is over
It couldn't have lasted Angel, too much happiness
Yes; I agree about Extinction Rebellion. Certain things that they do are, imo, wonderful; seeing pictures of the Red Brigade literally sends shivers down my spine. But I don't agree with widespread disruption or preventing people from to travelling to airports for a much needed holiday. Some people in one of my political groups are members of ER they are very extreme in some of their views. If they knew I loved horse racing I'm sure they'd never speak to me again. Good article in The Times about Greta and her family. But I think, what sums up my total respect for the younger generation is a picture of Greta with Malala who, between them have achieved so much. Compare them to Trump and Johnson and then mock them? I think not...